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Ben looked at himself in the mirror as he checked his suit. He was a little nervous about his interview but he was also confident that he was the best candidate.
Ben had to work early this morning at the hospital, so he changed into his suit and would catch a ride with Kimberly to the air port. She had to go back to work at her hospital for a few days and then she would be back in Seattle to complete a surgery.

Miranda look up as Ben came out of the attending’s lounge. He had on a navy blue suit with tan shoes. She admired his look, he was really handsome and she loved him in blue.

“Goodmorning.” Ben said noticing her stare.

“Goodmorning. You look handsome.” Miranda stumbled but was also curious as to why he was wearing a suit, but she figured she shouldn’t ask that. It wasn’t any of her business.

“Thank you.” Ben replied giving her a smile.

“You ready Benji.” Kimberly asked smiling.

“You bet.” Ben responded.
Miranda watched Ben and that woman walk off and she blew out a breath. She couldn’t believe that she had lost this man to that woman. It really blew her mind.

“ Earth to Bailey?” Callie said knowing she was zoned out.

“ Torres.” Miranda said zoning back in and looking up at her.

“You look like you were so fixated on Ben and Kimberly.” Callie said looking down at Miranda.

“I wasn’t fixated on no one.” Miranda said clicking her teeth.

“I mean what ever you say.”

“I just can’t believe he is really with her.” Miranda said frustrated.

“What do you mean, she’s nice, tall, smart, pretty, funny.” Callie listed confused
Miranda gave her a really look.

“Oh you mean why is he with her and not with you. “

“Precisely.” Miranda said looking down.

“Oh Miranda you are in love with him.” Callie gasped.

“Precisely.” Miranda whined.

“Aww man, well I no longer like her for him anymore. I take back everything that I just said. Plus he should be with you. You are beautiful, curvy, intelligent, hilarious and nothing short of amazing” Callie said playfully and Miranda rolled her eyes at her semi short joke.

“Haha the short joke was very funny.” Miranda said

“But everything’s the truth Miranda. You’re normally not like this. If there is something you want, you normally go after it. Why are you allowing yourself to be sidelined.“

“The reason I left him in the first place was because of the pace we were moving. Yeah, the shooting happened and I love Ben, he’s amazing, but eventually we were going to have to take our movements to the next place and phase of our relationship and I got scared. I have been with Tucker for over 11 years and I was scared to jump back into a serious relationship. Like what Ben and I were considering and really I don’t know if I can even do that now. How can I stop his happiness, if I don’t know if I am ready yet.” Miranda explained and Callie understood.

“Bailey I totally get it but a year from now when he marries Kim and their relationship progress. Would you be on the outside looking in watching your life go by or do you want it to be your life. “ Callie asked and Miranda thought before replying.

“That’s exactly what I need to think about.”

Ben finished his interview and he was told that he got the job. He was beyond excited. He called Kimberly and told her that he received the job. They decided to go to dinner.

“So are you excited about the move.” Kimberly asked after they ordered their food.

“Actually, I really am. I love the beach so it would be nice to be close by. “ Ben replied

“Yeah I love it by the water."

“I could tell, your house is beautiful.” Ben complimented.

“Thank you.”

Ben and Kimberly continued to laugh and converse over dinner.

“Oh I have to go to the restroom. Here’s my wallet if the waiter comes, grab my red debit card and give it to him.”  Ben said smiling walking away.

Ben used the restroom, wash his hands and came back to the table. He sat down and scooted his chair up but he saw that Kim had a scowl on her face.

“What’s wrong? Did he come for the check.” Ben asked confused.

“Yeah he did.”

“Then what’s the matter.”

“You dated Doctor Miranda Bailey.” Kimberly said.

“How did yo-

“It was in your wallet.” Kimberly said handing him the picture of him and Miranda from the photo booth on their carnival date. He looked at the five pictures that were down in the row. They were smiling, silly faces, and kissing each other.

“Yeah I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”

“Do you still have feelings for her.” Kimberly questioned with concern.

“No, I don’t” Ben lied. Truthfully he probably will always care for Miranda. She was one of a kind and he couldn’t lie and say that he didn’t love her because he did at the time. She was a hard ass but once she let you in it felt like walking on clouds with rainbows.

“I was just asking because you still had the picture.”

“No I can assure you that chapter is closed. I didn’t even know that picture was still in my wallet, I’m sorry about that” Ben said seriously.

Ben and Kim continued to talk and joke together before leaving the restaurant.

Two days later Miranda was in the attending’s lounge sitting down. Going over her paper work. She looked up as she saw the door open. She groaned internally. She was trying to be pleasant around this woman but she really was over seeing her.

“Hi Doctor Bailey.”

“Hello.” Miranda replied looking back down at her paper work.

“Doctor Bailey I was wondering if you could perform the Laparoscopic & Open Inguinal Hernia Repair on my pregnant patient.”

“No, I’m busy, find someone else.” Miranda said quickly.

“But I hear you are the best general surgeon.” Kimberly said.

“I am, but I said I’m busy.” Miranda said looking up at her seriously.

“I don’t know who else to ask. Plus I need to be finish in time so Benji can take me to his favorite carnival for our date.”

Miranda wanted to gasped. Ben was taking her to the same carnival he took her for their 7th date. The date right before they first had sex with each other. They rode so many rides and played games, something she hasn’t done since she was in high school. Ben made her feel so young, so loved and so special.

But she couldn’t have been all that special if you would take another individual on the same date.

Annoyed and trying not to loose her temper she looked up at the woman. “ I said no. No means no and bye.” Miranda said pointing to the door.

She watched as Kimberly got up and left.

Ben was eating his salad in the cafeteria when he saw Kimberly walk in.

“Hey how was your day so far. “ Ben spoke.

“ It was good, up until I asked doctor Bailey could she perform the Laparoscopic and Open Inguinal Hernia Repair and she told me no.”

Ben looked up at her with a questioning face.

“I asked her and she said no.” Kimberly responded sitting down.

“You think she’s upset that we are dating. Maybe. That’s why she never liked me from the start.”

“Miranda is not that kinda woman to do that. She is very professional and is known to keep her personal feelings aside.” Ben said not convinced.

“Well what else could it be. Ben could you ask her to perform the surgery.” Kimberly asked

“Yeah I’ll ask her.” Ben said agreeing.

Ben went to go find Miranda and he found her in the hall way with her patient’s chart in her hand.

“Dr. Bailey can I talk to you for a second.”

“What your lap dog complained to you. Well Dr. Warren I told her no and I said what I said. "

Ben grabbed her arm lightly and pulled her into the conference room.

“Miranda you are the best general surgeon in all of Seattle and anywhere else. Why wouldn’t you help the woman save an expecting mother “ Ben asked confused.

“I don’t have time.” Miranda said rolling her eyes.

“What’s going on Miranda this is not like you. You are always professional and never mixed your personal feelings with work” Ben asked crossing his arms.

“What? What are you talking about Doctor Warren.” Miranda said narrowing her eyebrows.

“You told Kimberly no because you are upset that she is dating me.” Ben said and Miranda gasped. She couldn’t believe he was saying she was jealous and petty.

“I told your girlfriend no because I was busy but on the other hand. She is hard at hearing, she’s spoiled and a catty individual.” Miranda said angrily gritting her teeth as she walked towards Ben and poked him in his chest.

“And you’re not helping the situation by taking her on the same exact date that we went on.” Miranda said looking up at him before backing away.

“What are you talking about Miranda?” Ben asked confused.

“Hell just forget it.” Miranda said getting pissed off all over again.

“Jealous of you all’s  relationship.” Miranda scuffed repeated at disbelief.

“you both have lost your minds.” Miranda said laughing looking at Ben with his arms crossed.

“And I’ll do the dam surgery, to prove a point that I could careless about Kimberly and you.” Miranda scuffed and moved more walking to the door.

Ben watched Miranda walked away and he wiped his hand across his face.
"What date is she talking about." Ben asked himself confused.

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