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The words that have been plaguing Miranda’s mind for the last four days was Ben’s words. “The woman he was in love with.” He didn’t say is ,he said was and hearing that caused her to wonder was that a mistake.

Because she did love Ben, she just wasn’t ready to hop into something as serious as they were. She had just got out of a long marriage that lead to divorce and with Ben everything was moving so fast and she knew that eventually the only thing left to do was marry this perfect man. But her head and heart raced, she didn’t want to move so fast, she thought Tucker was perfect too and look how they ended up.

Eli was easy, no strings attached sex. He was sex that all you needed to do was just that and then put your clothes on and walk away.

Miranda didn’t even know why she was so bothered about Ben seeing another woman. She thought she had broke up with him so she shouldn’t be mad because in her mind he was a single man but what made her heart beat faster was, it was miscommunication between them but he waited for her. He waited a year and a half for her. Miranda smiled at the thought but then frowned.

Here he was waiting for her, meaning he went a year and a half with out sex, which any woman would be lucky to experience him and then he found out that she was getting laid by someone else. She thought about his feelings and how crushed he probably was because he was the kindest man she’d ever had the privilege of meeting.

Miranda looked around for Ben but she never could run into him. It’s almost like he disappeared. “Pierre.” Miranda thought to herself as to why Ben’s schedule never coincide with hers, he was avoiding her again.

Miranda walked to the 2nd floor and she knocked on the door to the office.

“Come in.” She heard a male voice call out and she opened up to walk inside.

“How may i- dr. Bailey.” Pierre said nervously and Miranda kept her eyes fixated on the cup of coffee that was on his desk.

“You will stop re-arranging Dr. Benjamin Warren’s schedule.” Miranda said looking him in the eyes with her serious stare down.

“I’m sorry dr. Bailey but.

“Pierre I don’t care how many cups of lattes he gives you, it stops today or you really want to be on my bad side.” Miranda yelled.

“Okay I completely understand.” Pierre said pushing his glasses up on his nose.

“Thank you. Enjoy your coffee.” Miranda said smiling as she walked away.

“Hey Ben.” Kimberly said walking up to him. She had a millions dollar smile on her face.

“Good morning, what’s with the smile.” Ben asked smiling because hers was contagious.

“You will never guess.” She responded pulling him into a tight hug.

“Enlighten me.” Ben replied.

“Okay so I was talking to one of my good friends and he was telling me that the Head of anesthesiology is retiring and he needs to hire a new replacement.

I recommended you and he agreed and wants to set up an interview.

“Head of Anesthesiology at UCLA.” Ben said excitedly.

“Yes.” Kimberly said clapping her hands.

“Wow thank you so much.” Ben said picking her up and spinning her around. He kissed her on the head and put her back on her feet.

“I’ll give you his information and you guys can set up a day and time for your interview.”

“Woman you really are amazing.”

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