Chapter Five

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Opal, Mako, and Kai finally decided on an idea. They would have one person, Kai, exit the Western Air Temple, and the others would hide in the area. When the Equalists arrived, they would take them down and interrogate them.

"I still don't like this plan," Kai grumbled the next morning. "I hope I don't get minced to pieces."

Opal feigned surprise. "You know the word, 'mince'?"

"I'm not that stupid. And Jinora helps too," Kai added, blushing, after Opal gave him a pointed look. 

"Well anyway, let's focus. Kai, we will try to make sure you don't get minced to pieces," Mako said.

"Sounds promising," Kai replied sarcastically.

"Oh chillax. You'll be fine," Opal said, rolling her eyes. "Hopefully," she added, lowering her voice.

"Alright, alright. That's enough. Kai, get out there."

Kai timidly stepped out from the bushes. Turning to face Opal and Mako, his expression read, 'now what?'. 

Mako glared at him.

"Ohhh," Kai whispered, remembering. "Opal! Mako!" he yelled, raising his voice, quivering a little bit. "Hurry up, you dunderheads!"

It was just a few minutes later that Equalists shot through a few bushes to face Kai.

"Stupid little kid. You have no idea what trouble you're in now," a man in front cackled.

There were 3 in all. 

"What trouble?" Kai asked innocently. 

"Th-OWWW," the man screamed. Opal had literally swept him off his feet and he was thrust to the ground. 

Kai airbended the others into the air before letting them drop. Mako was fast with the rope, and tied them up.

Kai gave his signature smirk at the 3 Equalists.

"Alright punks. Why are you attacking the Air Acolytes?" he asked.

It was the man in charge's turn to smirk. "Shouldn't you know that already?"

"I do."

The conversation stalled until Mako demanded information from them.

Kai silently slipped past Opal and Mako, away from the conversation. He had met eyes with Kenzo, who had motioned for Kai to follow him.

"Hey," Opal whispered into his ear. "Where are you going?"

"Kenzo wants me to follow him," Kai whispered back.

"How can you trust him? And besides, we're in the middle of something."

"I just-trust me on this, okay?"

"Fine," Opal replied, turning back to Mako.


"Sifu Kenzo, why did you lead me here?" Kai asked.

Kenzo smiled softly. He had led Kai to a place surrounded by large rocks, completely enclosed from the outside.

"This place is calming, is it not? And besides, not that I'm saying you're too young, but it's probably better to let Mako and Opal handle the interrogation part."

"How do you know about that?" Kai asked.

Kenzo laughed. "Of course I know, Mako told me the plan. I asked him to. Now, I have done a great deal of research. I think I know how to help you project your spirit now." Kenzo took a deep breath. "First, you meditate. Get into a state of peace. Then, you must focus on releasing your spirit. Letting it run free."

Kai got into a meditating position and closed his eyes, willing himself into a state of peace.

"Good," Kenzo said softly, to not disturb the peace. "Now focus on releasing your spirit. Focus on your spirit first. Imagine it right in front of you. And grab it with your mind."

Kai had no trouble with this.

"Then, you must imagine holding it in your hands. And then letting it go."

Kai had more trouble with this. In his own spirit, he could see the faint outline of Jinora. It felt like if he were to release his spirit, he would be releasing Jinora's.

Kai's eyes tightened. He couldn't let go. His eyes popped wide open at the realization.

"I have to let go of Jinora to release my spirit?" he asked. "No way. I'd rather just see her when we defeat the Equalists."

Kenzo looked down. "There may be more Equalists than you think. We are unsure if this will be a quick mission. It may take months."

"Months? I thought this was just a small band of Equalists. There's no way I'm helping. I'm going home."

Kai stood up. But Kenzo grabbed his arm. "Do you realize what you're saying? You'd be abandoning so many people. Please. We need all the help we can get. Tenzin was already reluctant on sending 3 people."

Kai looked at Kenzo. He saw the defeat in his eyes. But that wasn't what changed his mind. He realized how selfish he would be if he left. 

Kai looked down at his feet. "I'm sorry Sifu Kenzo..."

Kai could see Kenzo look down. "I'm sorry for being selfish. I got carried away. I'm sorry. I'll stay."

Kenzo's head snapped up. "You will?"

Kai bit his lip and nodded. Kenzo smiled a somber smile. "This is good in two ways, Kai. Firstly, thank you for helping protect this Air Temple. Secondly, you said that you didn't want to let go of Jinora. But you did. Just now. You walked away from being with Jinora to help us. It wasn't out of selfishness or hate, you did it out of your heart. You can let go of her. It will only be a moment. As soon as you let go of your spirit, I can teach you to project it."

Kai's eyes gleamed, full of joy. "Thanks, Kenzo," he said before sitting back down.

He meditated, imagining his spirit in front of him. He held his spirit in his hand, cusping it. Again, he saw Jinora. But this time, he let go of the spirit. He realized that Jinora was always a part of his spirit. Jinora and his spirit linked arms before disappearing out of sight.

Kai opened his eyes and smiled, only to find that he was floating.

His second of pure joy was interrupted when he saw something terrible. His expression changed immediately.

Kenzo, who was looking at his spirit in awe, followed Kai's gaze. "What is it?" he asked worriedly. He was unable to see above the large rocks around them.

"Mako and Opal..." he said. "They're in trouble."

A/N I feel like I'm not doing a good job portraying Kai. But nevertheless, I hope this story is decent so far. More on Kai's spirit is to come!

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