Fire flys

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That night at ltaly all I could think about is naheul.

I laid in my king sized bed and sat up propped on my hands.
I look around my room.
The pain in my chest is unknown for why it is there.

I cringe at my pained heart.
I hop out of bed and walk sleepily over to my desk across the room.
I get to my desk and look down at my papers and quils.

I sit down in my chair and turn on the light.
I sit adjusting to the light.
After a second I read the pages of history and paperwork I need to get done.

I sigh and look out my tall thin window.
I get up from my chair and walk to my window.
I look down at fathers garden.

I run to my closet and grab my off white robe.
I exit my room confidently so my guards don't think I'm going out of the palace walls.

Once I pass all the guards I rush to the tall doors and crack the right just enough to pass through.
I close the door softly and turn around to the stairs.

I walk down with my robe flowing in the air.
I felt free and more alive.

I walked through the garden. It seemed like it was almost glowing with colors.

I arrive at a bunch under a huge tree. I sit down at the bench and I look at the tree and see fire flys glowing up the tree leaves.

I smile and jump up and start dancing in the fire flys and flowers.

My night gown twirling in the air as I spin and jump.
I smile as my arms flow like water flowing freely.

I jump and run backwards and then I bump into a cold hard chest.

I stop in my tracks my heart stops and I turn around slowly.
I face father standing there with his arms crossed around his chest tightly.

I look up to his face his expression was clearly in happy but not mad or disappointed ether.

I scrunch up my face and look down as a tear rod down my face.
I keep my gaze at our feet.
My sight got clouded as a tear rolls down my cheek and drops down to the stones at our feet.

His arms in cross and he kneels down on one knee and leans on his right knee.
He uses his index finger to pull up my chin to face his gaze.

I lift my eyes to Aro. His eyes meet mine and his uses his thumb to whip my tear. He cups my face in my hand and I lean into it.

I hold his hand and I kneel down next to him and lean on his for support.
He holds me tightly and says
"My dearest daughter what is the reason for your sudden sadness I just saw you dancing a minute ago"

I look up at him and smile weakly.
"I don't know father I feel something I have never felt before and it hurts my chest. My garden was just so beautiful I couldn't help but-"
I cut myself off with my sudden sobs.

I burry my face into his shirt covered chest.
He holds be once again and says
"My beloved I know what the pain it.
You found your mate and it physically pains you when your separated from the person"

I look up to my father surprised.
I have definitely heard of Mates and imprints but never witnessed one or most of all had a mate"

I curl up on him who is currently sitting down.
I continue to cry for a while before father suddenly stands up.

I look up at him and he holds out his hand for me to grab.
Me with a confused look on my face grab his hand.
He stands me up straight and he laces my right hand in his.

I holds my waist and I hold his shoulder.
With my tear stained cheeks we slow dance around the flowers.
With our complicated foot movements we elegantly glide through the dim fire fly light.

The light on our pale faces made it look magical.
I smile and he pulls me closer so My head is leaning on his shoulder and he is leaning his head on mine.

I smile and say
"Thank you father for not getting mad"
"Why would I be mad my dear"
I lookup are him with a confused expression and explain
"I ran away from the castle into the garden and I cried-"
He cut me off from my rants
"My dearest why would I be mad you came t the garden and never apologize for having emotions your part human after all"
" I nod and lean my head back on his shoulders as we continue dancing through the night

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