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I gasp but as the wolf came closer and closer I noticed the color. It was chocolate brown. He growled at me harshly and I hiss back showing my now large fangs.

The wolf jumped at me trying to attack. In mid air I heard a faint scream come from the forest. I dodge the wolf and run at my full speed to the scream. The wolf bit my arm making a ear peircing scream flow out of my lips.

I give the wolf pain. But only enough to get it off of me. Naheul was close behind me when I arrived to the screaming figure. The wolf was running after us limping.

There was renesme standing there screaming. Hot tears rolling down her cheeks. I kneel down to her and check all around her for injuries but never found any. I hold her sobbing face in my hands. I had my back to naheul and the wolf violently fighting. Naheul was protecting me and Renesme. But all she could do was stare and whin for the wolf. I shush her and ask in a heavy Italian accent
"My dear Renee why are you screaming such volumes of terror"
She does her best to come pose her self for her to shed a small whisper of
"That wolf is scared who will hurt me."
I whip her tears and hold her hand for us to stand.

We turn and I motion for naheul to back off.
Renee walks up to the wolf and holds out her hand. She lightly pets its nose making it calm instantly.
She shushed it and said
"Go shift we will wait" he growled but went behind a tree only to come back seconds later with only shorts on.
I roll my eyes and cross my arms across my chest. Naheul wrapped his arm around my waist protectively and Renee held his hand. She walked over and held mine with her other.

I smile down to her but glare up at the new man. She smiles back and releases her hand from my grip and  put her hand on my face.

In just a flash she showed him imprinting on her and all their memories. When she brought her hand back to mine the least I can say is I'm shocked.
I hold my head up and nod in greeting he snarls and wraps his arm around her shoulders.

She looks up to him and says
"This is Camila she is the proud daughter of Aro voltori. She doesn't mean harm to me or anyone. She's really nice actually!"
He narrows his eyes at me and I say with the heaviest Italian accent I can manage
"Piacere di conoscerti come mai non ho sentito parlare di te prima"
I hold out my hand and he shakes it hard trying to hurt me. I squeeze it harder making his face go red of pain. The second our hands broke he put his hand on her shoulder no longer in pain.
Course he heals fast he is a werewolf after all.

Her eyes no longer were red and puffy I smile at her and say "I'm going to talk to this man alone ok dearest" she skips off with naheul who leads them to the house. I cross my arms and he puts both his hands in his pockets and asks
"So she does speak English"
"Only when she feels intitled to"
He laughs without a hint of humor.
I sit down leaning against a tree showing no hint of tension. He sits on a rock and asks
"Why are you here"
I cross my arms and simply say
"Just visiting some old friends"
"And a mate"
He says with a smile. I narrow my eyes and ask
"What is it to you pretty boy"
"Oh so she thinks the werewolf is pretty. Well my imprint is just hanging around a princess like you. I don't know that hangs around killers"
"Don't flatter your self"
I stand up and say "my father may kill but he doesn't do it without reason. As far as you know I could help with these executions"
He stand up only inches away form me. I look up to the face of the man and he growls
"If you hurt Nessie-"
I interrupt him by saying
"I wouldn't dream of such a idea dog she is a innocent child but do you remeber the pain you felt when you were chasing me. Yeah well that was me you scemo" he hesitates and scales before walking off

Piacere di conoscerti come mai non ho sentito parlare di te prima= pleasure to meet you how come I haven't heard of you


(Sorry if the Italian is wrong. I don't know the language I just used google 😎)

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