十二 | 体育大会

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That night, after school, Ayane's foster family was quick to question her. "I heard there was a villain attack at school! Are you okay?!" Kasumi had worried. "I'm fine." Her and Daisuke shared a worried look. "Are you sure?" He asked. Ayane nodded. "Positive." She walked away up to her room. Hitoshi watched the girl with concerned eyes, following her. He knocked on her door softly, receiving a somewhat harsh 'what' in return. "I came to check up on you." He heard a sigh on the other side of the door before it opened, revealing Ayane.

"What's up?" She wondered. "There was a villain attack and you're acting like it was just another day at school. How can that not worry me?" Ayane sighed once more. "...Sorry. I guess, well, some stuff just happened that got me thinking is all," she half lied. Hitoshi raised a brow. "What is it?" Ayane gave her friend a small smile. "That's for me to know and you to not know," she winked. Hitoshi groaned, rolling his eyes. "Really?" She nodded. "Really." Hitoshi sighed. "Well, as long as you're alright. You are alright, right? No injuries?" Ayane rolled her eyes playfully. "Hitoshi, I'm invincible, you know that," she joked. Hitoshi chuckled slightly. "Yeah, I know."


"All right, listen!! It's time for this morning's homeroom period! Take your seats, everyone!!" Iida ordered the next morning. "We are in our seats. You're the one who's not," Sero pointed out. Iida sulked at that. "Morning," Came Aizawa's gruff voice. He was wrapped in bandages. "Aizawa-sensei, you're already back?!!!" Iida's hand shot up. "Sensei, you're alright!!"

"Can you really call that alright...?" Uraraka murmured. "Don't concern yourselves over me. After all, the battle hasn't really ended for you yet," Aizawa revealed. "The battle?" Bakugou wondered. "You don't mean..." Midoriya trailed off. "More villains?!!" M*neta shouted. "UA's sports festival is approaching, boys and girls!"

"A sports festival...! Keep forgetting this is an actual school!!"

"Wait, hold up! That sounds like something villains would try to infiltrate...isn't it? Will it be all right?" Someone asked. "On the contrary: since we're going ahead with the festival, it means that the school is confident it has all its ducks in a row when it comes to its crisis control now. I hear police presence will be five times bigger than normal, for example. What you should be thinking about is...what a huge chance the academy's sports festival presents for you all. This isn't some event that'll be brought to a halt by the likes of villains."

"No, if villains do appear, can we halt it please?" Ayane rolled her eyes at M*neta's question. "Mineta...have you never seen the UA sports festival?!" Midoriya asked. "Of course I have! That's not it at all--"

"Our sports festival is one of Japan's biggest events!! In days past, the olympics was the sports festivity that whipped all the nation into a froth of enthusiasm! But now, as you know, the extent and population have shrunk and it's lost a lot of substance. So what has taken the place of the olympics in Japan is the UA sports festival!"

"The country's top heroes are all sure to be watching us! It's because they'll be scouting for us!" Momo input. "I'm thinking I might follow the tactic of going sidekick for a pro hero's squad after graduating!" Kaminari said. "But there are loads of people who get stuck as sidekicks forever and miss their chance to break out as solo heroes. And you seem like just that kind of dumbass, Kaminari," Jirou was quick to shoot him down.

"Naturally, entering the squad of a famous hero will get you higher status and more experience. Remember, time is limited. If you get noticed by a pro, that gives you the standing for a brighter future than otherwise. This is the chance you'll get only once a year...for a total of three chances. If you aim to be a hero, this is an event you can't overlook!"

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