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"I mean I feel bad for Aisha, but at the same time—"

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"I mean I feel bad for Aisha, but at the same time—"

Avery blocked out Sam's complaining, glancing across the table at Abel. A silent, I'll kill you, in her eyes, from being forced into dinner at the LaRusso's.

Aura nudged her twin softly, Avery covering it with a cough as she turned to face Amanda.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. LaRusso, what was that?"

"It's fine, Avery. I was just wondering how school was going, any boyfriends?" Amanda gave a motherly smile to the girl.

"Oh, nothing like that, just hanging out with my friends, maybe a couple guys here and there— Shit!"

Avery jumped from her seat as a glass of tea was knocked off of the table and onto her lap, drenching the bottom of her dress. Sam gaped, pushing herself from her seat as well as she quickly apologized.

"I am so sorry, Avery."

"It's no big deal, Sam—"

"It didn't happen to you, did it Aurora?" Avery hissed, throwing her napkin onto the table and storming toward the bathroom.

Everyone looked to the Kove siblings with wide eyes, a soft sigh escaping Abel as he visibly slumped in his seat.

"Is she okay?" Daniel asked, nodding for Sam to go check on her.

"She misses our, dad." Aurora gave a bright smile, but it was filled with sadness as she nodded her head up and down. "A lot."

"I'm really sorry to hear that, Aura."

"Mother fucker," Avery hissed as she threw the towel down on the sink.

"Hey, I'm sorry," Sam lightly knocked on the bathroom door with an embarrassed look. Avery gave a stiff laugh, looking the girl up and down as she stepped into the bathroom.

"Yeah, I bet you are sorry." Avery took a step toward the girl, Sam's breath catching in her throat when her back came into contact with the counter. "Samantha LaRusso finally made a mistake in her stupid life."

Avery hummed, her deep eyes searching Sam's dark ones.

"Gonna make another?"

She could see Sam's hands shaking as she slowly moved them to cup the blonde's face. Avery smiled at the nervousness seeping out of Sam, the Kove girl's hands placed on the counter behind her.

"What's one more?" Avery mumbled, Sam leaning forward and pressing her lips to the Kove girl's.

"Guys, everything—"

Sam roughly shoved Avery back, the girls head smacking against the wall with a loud thud.

"What the hell, Sam?" Avery shouted, Aura stood in the doorway with wide eyes.

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