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Abel had went into a rage neither of the twins had never seen once he saw Avery's black eye

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Abel had went into a rage neither of the twins had never seen once he saw Avery's black eye.

The boy was screaming, throwing his phone roughly into the wall, only for his eyes to soften when they landed on his kid sister, muttering a quiet, who did this?

Avery merely shook her head, wrapping her arms around her brother and burying her face into his chest.

Even now she could feel the stares on her busted lip, thankful for her sunglasses as she pushed them higher on the bridge of her nose.

"Hey, losers."

Two of the three boys jumped when Avery sat in front of Miguel, pulling her sunglasses off and setting them on the table beside her.

"Something is definitely wrong with the universe if the princess is sitting with us," Demetri whispered sharply to Miguel.

Eli couldn't hear his two friends, looking over the satin black cami and matching skirt the girl was wearing. Even with the purple bruise around her eye, she was still gorgeous.

"Hey, Ave," Miguel gave her a smile.

"So, no more karate?" Demetri asked Miguel.

"Yeah, like hell," Avery glared at Miguel. "No way you're quitting."

"Well, it's probably for the best. It was starting to boost your confidence," Demetri stated. Avery rolled her eyes, shaking her head to herself.

"Isn't that a good thing?"


"No." The raven haired boy and the blonde girl glared at each other, both tilting their heads. "What has confidence ever gotten somebody except for a black eye?"

Avery swallowed harshly at the comment, glancing to see Eli staring at her with a look of sympathy.

"Well, I thought it was kind of cool how you stood up to Kyler," Eli told Miguel softly.

"Are you insane?"

"Maybe he's tired of being pushed around like you," Avery rose her eyebrows at Demetri.

"Okay, what is the best superpower anyone could have?"

"Super strength."

"Mind reading."

All three boy's looked at Avery, eyes wide as the girl glared back at them.

"What? I watch X-Men, big deal."

"You're both wrong. It's invisibility, a distance second would be super speed to run away fast."

"Run away from who?"

Avery felt a twisted glare settle on her face as Kyler and Brucks appeared behind Eli, the boy resting a hand on his back.

"We were just leaving," Miguel mumbled as he and the boys grabbed their things quickly.

However, Kyler grabbed on to Eli's shoulders, tilting his head to get a better look at his lip. But, before he could make any jokes, Avery roughly shoved him backward into a bookcase, glaring at her former friend.

"Leave him alone, dick."

"Oh," Kyler hummed mockingly, stepping up to the girl. "Crown made of thorns?" He grabbed the back of Avery's neck, looking over the bruise he had given her. "Want another shiner, princess?"

"Would you give it a rest? No matter how much you beg I'm never gonna let you between my legs—" Avery gasped for breath as Kyler shoved her into the bookshelf, her ribs slamming against the wood.

Eli dodged past Kyler, Avery not even having to look up to know it was him from the gentle grasp on her shoulders.

She gave him a tight lipped smile, pushing on her sunglasses and hauling ass out of the library.

"Avery, Avery!" The Kove sighed sharply at Sam's voice, turning to face her with pursed lips, shrugging as if to say get it over with. "Are you okay?"

"Ask your boyfriend."

Avery gave a dry chuckle and a mock salute, turning on her heel and making her way to her next class.

Aurora bit her lip as she glanced between the pale yellow paper in her hands and the apartment number. For once she felt out of her element, a familiar nervousness in her stomach.

She lightly tapped her knuckles against the door, holding her breath when she heard footsteps approaching.

"Can I help you?" The boy furrowed his eyebrows, looking her up and down in confusion.

"Robby Keene?"


"I'm Aurora Kove, the school sent me to come help you with the school work you're missing." Robby scoffed, shaking his head as he leaned against the doorframe.

"I don't need any help, so thanks but—"

"Look, do you really think I want to waste my time teaching some burn out what adverbs are? The school is paying me, and let's be honest I need the money."

Aurora huffed, her green eyes ablaze as Robby stared back at her. They stood like that for a while, Robby weighing the options while Aurora contemplated leaving altogether. However, Robby took a step back, opening the door wider to let the girl in.

She gave a tight lipped smile, clutching her books closer to her chest as she entered the apartment.

"I'm sorry, I'm not usually like that," Aurora shook her head softly.

"Yeah, I know. You're Avery's sister right?" Robby offered a kind smile as he tossed a few things into the trash.

"Twin," Aurora gave an awkward chuckle. "Yeah, we're nothing alike though."

"You're both pretty." Robby's eyes seemed to widen at his own words, Aurora's eyes falling to the ground as she hid a blush. "Anyways, how long do you have to do this tutor thing for?"

"Just a while, until you get most of your work turned in. I actually had a free period, so all your English is done." The girl held out a thick stack of papers, smiling as Robby took them.

The Keene boy flipped through the papers in disbelief, the girl's neat hand writing covering the papers front and back.

"You didn't have to."

"Oh, I know," she nodded. "I like English, and I figured I'd help you get a head start."

"Thank you."

"So, Chemistry?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2021 ⏰

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