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3 Months Later:

It's been three months and Asami has put a lot of miles on her car but it's far from an inconvenience. They've kept their promise and they talk every day. Sometimes it's short. Long distance had seemed scary at first but now it feels manageable. This is one of those weekends where Asami made it better by traveling all the way to spend time with Korra.

They woke up Saturday morning tangled together. Naked limbs intertwined. Asami woke up before Korra. It was a rare occurrence but she cherished these brief moments. Watching Korra sleep is one of her favorite things. It sounds creepy but in the past couple months Korra's nightmares have all but faded.

Now she lays there relaxed. Asami wishes for the days when Korra's free of the weight that she has been carrying for so long. Laying here like this gives her hope. Taking in Korra's relaxed state she absentmindedly runs her finger tips up and down Korra's toned arms. The movements cause Korra to wake up. She slowly opens her eyes and the first thing she sees is Asami's soft jade eyes looking at her. She gives her a sleepy smile in return.

"Morning beautiful. How'd you sleep?" Korra asks rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Mmm I slept great. What about you sleepy head?" She reaches up to brush some lose stands of hair out of Korra's face. The sun hits her skin just right. Illuminating her every curve. Asami wishes she could capture this moment and save it forever.

"You know my nights have gotten better. I slept like a baby. Have you ever realized how terrible that expressions is? Don't babies wake up all the time screaming in the middle of the night." Asami laughs. Watching Korra ramble she remembers she brought something special with her in her bag. "So I guess technically I used to sleep like a baby but now I sleep better than that. Maybe more like a toddler. I don't know if that makes sense. Hey where are you going?"She asks.

Asami got out of bed and walks over to her bag and starts looking for it. She pulls it out and scurries back to Korra. She crawls on top and straddles Korra's legs. Sitting on her thighs.

"The sun is hitting you just right and I want to take a picture of you." She holds up a Polaroid camera. "Can I?" She asks biting her lip with a smile. Korra looks down at her naked body and back up to Asami.

"I'm not wearing any clothes."

"I know...You can say no I just really want to capture you like this."

"As long as it's for your eyes only but let me make it worth your while" She puts her arms behind her head and looks at Asami with a look Asami hasn't been able to identify what it means. But it makes her feel warm all over.

"I'd never share this with anyone. I promise. " She clicks the button and the film pushes out. She grabs the picture and puts the camera down on the bed. She sits there on Korra's thighs waiting for the picture to develop. She's so engrossed in the picture she doesn't notice Korra watching her. The picture was starting to show when Korra's words make the world stop.

"I love you." Asami quickly looks up to meet her eyes. "I love you Asami." She says with a growing smile. Asami's eyes grow darker with need. She lowers herself onto Korra. Their faces only inches apart.

"I love you too." She closes the distance between them. Pouring all her feelings into the kiss. The picture is no longer a thought in either of their minds. Asami finally figured out what that look Korra was giving her meant. It was love. She was looking at her with love.

5 Months Later:

It's Asami's birthday weekend and Korra decided to take that step. Making the drive to NYC. Luckily for her Asami had sent her a GPS and last time she visited Korra she made sure her car was ready for the trip. When she saw the tall skyscrapers she called her favorite person and put the phone on speaker.

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