HNY and A/N

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Hello everyone, sorry about not updating this in a while but I have my reasons. I also will be putting all of my books on hold for reasons. One reason being of school and personal problems my second reason being on of a sudden situation that took place. I also will be putting my all my books on hold for a while and when I can update it will be a double update. I also want to find a schedule for when I will update my books so I won't get as frustrated with myself as I was before. Another problem I would like to address is the situation with army's and nctzen's. You wouldn't but I have stopped being an army as of  earlier last year so when this happened I was already about done with army's and this just made me lose and type of respect I had for army's. I also lost some of my respect to those nctzen's that said those things to Jimin. And I might not be an army but I love BTS very much and still support them. I love both groups to death and to find out the kind of things army's and nctzen's said to Yuta, Jisung and Jimin is really disgusting and utterly rage worthy and I am very disappointed in both fandoms. I will defined my fandoms and groups to the point I will fight if anyone goes over the line in insulting them but I know if Yuta, Jisung or Jimin lose their smiles or happiness in anyway I will never forgive army's and nctzen's. I hope army's and nctzen's can reflect on the things you said and how they affect the idols mentioned in them. And army's, you toxic ones especially, need to grow up and start to act properly cause you guys attitude to other fandoms or other groups are utterly annoying and plain sad. Grow up and actually think before you say all the bad things you say. You can hate on me all you want because of my opinion I don't care but just grow up and act properly because I know this isn't how BTS would like to see their fans being. Anyways Happy New Years to everyone and I will let you know when I will be updating again. Anyways that's it for now. Bye Bye everyone~ Lena~

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