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We walked back into the main room full of people mingling and talking. Some conversations stood out with people praising Uncle Albus as they were happy to join the order. It seemed to be going all well.

Uncle Albus got to the bottom of the staircase on the wide landing and tapped his glass. The room went silent.

"I just wanted to thank you all, my friends what we are doing here is making history. Together with your support we can defeat the dark forces around us and restore the wizarding world with light", spoke Uncle Albus.

There was enthusiastic applause around the room. Probably as Uncle Albus expected.

" I would also like to introduce someone very special, my niece Alexandra Ariana Dumbledore. As part of the Dumbledore family she will be taking up a large part of the Order and will be dedicating her time to make sure our defences are strong against the dark forces. I assure you, while she may be young for someone in her position, she is wise, as every Dumbledore should be.. Alexandra come up here so everyone can put a face to the name" he said while looking in my direction.

I was slightly shook. I kept myself away from taking up 'high roles' and positions my whole life. I did not want fame or power- very undumbledore like I know. Before coming here and agreeing to take up the part in the order, I knew it had to be done. For Harry.

I slowly walked over towards uncle Albus, feeling all eyes on me. Confidence. That's what the people in this room needed to see and that's exactly what they got. As I reached Uncle Albus, I gave a smile and stood closely next to him.

"It's a pleasure meeting you all, I would like to thank everyone for being here today and if anyone has any issues going forward, be sure to find me" I spoke confidently , watching the reassurance on the faces in front of me. Its the Dumbledore name. It reassures people, makes them feel safe.

"Enjoy the rest of your evening and as Ms Dumbledore has said, reach out to her if there are any issues going forward, she is on call 24 hours" uncle Albus spoke.

Everyone continued speaking between themselves and uncle Albus shared a smile in my direction, telling me it went well.

"I'm happy to have you back here Alexandra" he said to me.

"I'm here for Harry, he needs all the support he can get. It can't be easy being in a position like his, I will always protect him, you know that." I responded

"I know, It's a Dumbledore trait. Putting others before yourself for the greater good" he quietly replied. "Will you be staying at home or are you going back to your house".

"I'll be staying with Sirius and Harry at the order HQ for a while, until we are back at Hogwarts. I've not told him I'll be joining this year" I whispered back.

"Ah yes, we will get your sorting done the moment you arrive. Come to my office as soon as you get into the castle, I'll have the heads of houses with me" he responded.

I nodded as someone approached us. All I heard was "ah Albus" and that was my cue to leave that conversation or it would have dragged on for years.

As I walked around the main room, I stopped sparingly saying hello to the guests and getting to know the newest members of the order. While they may not be attending all the meetings, to avoid people getting suspicious, they have promised their full support when the time comes.

While speaking to Mad- Eye I decided it was time to have another drink.

"I'm going to get a drink, want one" I asked him.

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