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I got up LATE. I had told Hermione last night that I am not a morning person. I could sleep in for hours. Definitely not a morning person.

"ALEX YOU'RE GOING TO MISS BREAKFAST", Hermione shouted from the other side of the room.

"I will be ready in time, trust me" I replied.

1 flick off my wand and I was ready.

"That's totally cheating" Hermione replied while raising an eyebrow.

Every early morning I don't even bother physically getting ready. Well hey that's what magic's for.

We got to the Great Hall and I still felt like I was sleeping. I slumped down next to Harry and Ron.

"Mornin' Ron spoke with a mouth full of toast.

"It's way to early" I mumbled.

"Someone's definitely not a morning person" Harry laughed.

"We have defence against the dark arts first.. I wonder how that would go. We didn't even get new books so I couldn't study for it" Hermione spoke concerned.

"It's going to be exciting to see what she comes up with. She'e been giving uncle Albus loads of grief. Properly trying to get involved with the whole running of the school- Fudge is clearly behind it" I spoke quietly.

Harry looked irritated already. We headed to defence against the dark arts which was with the Slytherins. Great.

I had forgotten my quill in the main hall, after Hermione wanted to see my timetable and apparently it needed altering- love how she noticed.

By the time I came back I was only a minute late. As I walked in Umbrige was stood at the front of the class, looking rather annoying.

"Miss Dumbledore, if you could take a seat next to Mr Malfoy. Also don't be late again or it will be a detention. Your last name doesn't give you privilege in here" she spoke in a rather psycho way.

"Certainly" I said saltyly.

What a cow. And really, DRACO. I could see Harry, Ron and Hermione looking concerned. I made my way to the desk and Draco glanced up. I sat down and we didn't look at each other.

Umbridge handed out the books and started yapping on about having a 'safe learning environment'. She was being ridiculous and ended up arguing with Harry about Voldemort being back

"Detention Mr Potter" she squealed from the front of the class.

"He was clearly just expressing an opinion, i doubt you can explain how Cedric's death was an accident" I spoke up.

"Detention Miss Dumbledore" she squealed at me back.

"ENOUGH. I will not tolerate people talking over me in my own classroom" she screamed.

I was just about to speak and Draco kicked me under the table.

"What the hell" I whispered.

"Just shut up. You've made your point you're just making it worse for yourself" Draco whispered back.

The rest of the class dragged on. It was absolutely exhausting just listening to her ramble on.

"For next week you have some group to do. Pair up with the people next to you" she started.

Me and Draco looked at each other ignoring every word that she spoke next.

"Is she doing this on purpose?" I whispered annoyed at Draco.

"Oh yeah she definitely knows to do it on purpose" Draco replied amused. "You're being way too concerned about it, its school and group work. It happens relax"

"Ughh" I knew this was going to cause an argument with George.

"Library tomorrow at 8pm? I would have said today but lucky you has detention" He smirked.

The day went from bad to good. The rest of the lessons were actually quite interesting. The day was going well and it was giving me a chance to get to know Harry more. Although his mood was changing rapidly during the day. One minute he's fine the next he's really pissed off. He has been having trouble with some other Gryffindors about Voldemort being back so I guess that's probably it.

"Harry are you okay.. you seem a little on edge" I spoke to Harry in the common room now that the day was over.

"I'm fine. I just feel more irritated these days. Not that It's not normal considering half the people here hate me now" Harry spoke bitterly.

"You know it wont last forever. He's back. There's no escaping that. Let's just hope they realise sooner rather than later" I said softly.

Fred and George walked in with Angelina and another girl. She was one of Angelina's friends so they must all be in the same classes. They were all joking about together and Angelina nudged George slightly while laughing.

"I wouldn't worry about that" Ron spoke while sitting down on the sofa. "She's always been like that with George, clearly hasn't mattered all this time to him, so why would it now?"

"That's actually a very smart thing to say Ron" Hermione spoke while looking at Ron.

"Jee thanks Hermione, I do have a brain you' know" Ron said sarcastically.

I chuckled along with Harry as Fred and George walked over.

"How was the first day" George said as he sat down next to me.

"Erm it was good. A mix of emotions we could say" I replied back sarcastically.

George raised an eyebrow.

"We got a detention with Umbridge. Don't ask" Harry spoke annoyed.

"Bloody hell, detention on the first day. Definitely George's girlfriend" Fred laughed.

George blushed slightly. Girlfriend. That was a word we had not been using or spoken about.

Everyone could sense the awkwardness between me and George, at the girlfriend comment and started giggling slightly.

"Alex, Draco asked me to pass a note to you" Neville said as he walked towards me.

The giggling stopped completely. Fred and George looked confused whereas the other three looked more concerned knowing George didn't know we were sitting together in DADA.

"Why is Draco sending you a note" George asked with a raised eyebrow.

"So, I was late to umbridge's lesson. She put me next to him. There's also some group work so I'm guessing it's about that" I spoke very quickly.

Fred looked relieved and now sort of amused looking at a very annoyed George.

"It's nothing to worry about" I reassured while brushing over his arm.

"If he tries anything, I want to know" George said bluntly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2021 ⏰

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