Chapter 9

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The meeting ended soon after that, I was still crying a bit when me and Ivan were driving back home, Ivan driving since I couldn't see through my tears. My poor states, I wish I could help them more.

My phone starts ringing, I sniffle and wipe away my tears before answering it. "H-Hello?" "Hello United States of America." Shit it's my boss, this can't be good. "I have been informed that the nations now know about your states. They will meet them and stay with your family for awhile." I stare at my lap.

..My boss just told me that the nations will be living with me and my family for awhile... "H-How long?" "I think a month with suffice. This should also improve your relationships with the other Nations. I know they have been lacking recently." "O-ok..." "They will come over tomorrow." "o-ok..."

I hang up and let my hand fall into my lap. Ivan glances at me before his eyes go back to the road. He takes one hand off the steering wheel and grabs my hand, holding it softly. "What was that about Fredrika?"

"......T-the nations are c-coming over tomorrow..." "..Alfred-" "a-a-and they're s-staying for a-a whole month..." Ivan goes quiet, I can tell he's thinking.

"...We need to clean the house." Ivan says, I chuckle dryly. Of course he would want to clean the house up before guests come over. They're probably going to have to share rooms though, we may live in a mansion but we have 50 kids so a lot of the rooms are already taken up by them.

"...Ivan I really don't want them to know about all of our...problems.." "I know Fredrika, but this might be good for us, for all of us." I sigh and stare out the window. Ivan squeezes my hand. "Everything will be fine Fredrika, I promise." I nod and Ivan continues on driving us home in silence.

When we get home Ivan doesn't let go of my hand, I look at him confused. "Ivan? Is something wrong?" I ask. "Fredika...Tonight, could you eat with us please? It's been awhile and..I think it's important if we tell them as soon as possible..."

"...Ivan I don't want to tell them, I don't even want them to see the Nations...They won't react well, neither side will..." I say while staring at my lap. Ivan gives my hand a reassuring squeeze. "It will be ok, we'll introduce them slowly, maybe introduce the original 13 first?"

"No!" Ivan flinches a little, I rarely yell, and even rarer at him

"...Sorry...I-It's just...the original 13 should be last..They will react the worst..."

"Oh...Well, who do you think we should introduce first?"

"I don't know..."

The picture is some fan art of Mochi America I made, I hope you like it.

I'm so sorry for this being such a short chapter, I'm just really not sure how to write this out

Please tell me if you have any ideas 

Thank you so my for reading and I hope you enjoyed it

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