Chapter 1

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Warning: Mention of cutting

Alfred's POV

     I sigh. I'm at another boring meeting where nothing happens. I don't even understand why we have these meetings. Nothing gets done. Ludwig is yelling and trying to get things into order, Arthur and Francis  are fighting, Feliciano is eating pasta, the same stuff as always. I eat my burger, I feel so gross. I hate eating burgers, they're so unhealthy and they make me so fat but I have to keep up my mask. 

     Yes I have a mask. It's quite obvious. Who actually thinks of themselves as a hero? Who is smiling all the time no matter what? Who eats so much unhealthy food? No one, no one does. But for some reason I thought that would be the best way to hide my true emotions.

     I put on my fake bright smile and talk with Kiku on some stupid thing, I don't know what, but it's dumb enough to make everyone think that I'm not smart. I am actually very smart, but I don't show it. I am a world super power, and a world super power that is smart is dangerous, that's why I have this dumb mask. A dumb world super power is a safer than a smart one.

     I then got a call. My dumb, loud, ringtone ringing. Everyone shuts up, "seriously America? Couldn't you have put your phone on silent like the rest of us?" Arthur said. I ignored him and answered the call. I never put my phone on silent because my kids might be in trouble. 

     Yes I have kids. Who would have thought, the idiot American has kids. I have 50 to be exact. Each kid is represented by a state and I love them all so much. They're my only reason to live. Yeah, I'm pretty depressed, I mean, I get such mean comments thrown at me every single day. I brush it off with my signature bright, fake, smile. But at night, I listen to the comments, over and over again in my head. I cry myself to sleep, I cut, I try so hard to be my best but it seems like it's never enough. It's always I'm either to fat or I'm to dumb or a child. I hate it. I hate them. I hate all the countries...except Ivan. Ivan is the only one who has seen me for me. He's never berated me or said anything bad about me. Sure we had some disagreements but we got over that quickly.

     Ivan also knows about the states, only he knows and he has kept the secret for a long time. Not even Mathew knows about them. Ivan would kill anyone who would even look at the states in the wrong way, which makes sense since he is their father. Not their biological father but me and him are married. I love him so much, and he loves me. I wish we could wear our rings in public but people would get suspicious. He's another reason to live, I don't know what I would do if I lost him.

     "Daddy! I can't find Alaska anywhere!!" Hawaii screams from the other end, since it was so quiet anyone could hear his cute voice. My eyes widen and I stand up abruptly. "What?! What do you mean you can't find him?! I almost yell, I started to freak out. All of my kids live in a big mansion off in the countryside and when you can't find a state that means bad news. Hawaii and Alaska are basically joined at the hip, you can never find one without the other right next to them or nearby. So it's very concerning when one of them calls saying they can't find the other.

     "I can't find him anywhere! I've looked around the whole place and outside and I can't find him anywhere!!" "Calm down sweetie, I'll be there in a moment ok? Get your brothers that aren't working to help you out for now." Hawaii hangs up. I don't care that the others are whispering to each other trying to find out what's going on, all I care about are my children. Ivan hurries over to me. "Fredika what's wrong?" He asks worriedly. "Alaska has gone missing." He gasps. Alaska is Russia's favorite child. I know you shouldn't have favorites but we do, my favorite child is Texas, he's rowdy and fun. 

     "What do you mean he is missing!? Did someone take him?! He wouldn't just go running off on his own!" Ivan starts to freak out, I'm calm on the outside but on the inside I am also freaking out. My child is missing. "I don't know ," I grab his hand and give it a tight reassuring squeeze. "All I know is that Hawaii called saying that he couldn't find Alaska anywhere. I'm sure he is fine though, he's a tough boy. He's your child after all" I don't care that I said that in front of the others. Ivan needs the reassurance. I'm sure we will get a lot of questions but that doesn't matter right now. I saw some of the worry in Ivan's face wash away, he is still clearly worried but he has calmed down a bit. "Let's go find him" I run out of the room with Russia, the other countries sit and stand there in shock. I'm sure I will get yelled at later. That will be fun.

Thank you for reading. I hoped you liked the story. I will try my best to update as much as possible. But I have random update times. Have a great day/night!

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