Chapter 5

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Alfred's POV

     The nations asked a few more questions before we had to take a break, I couldn't take much more. After every question Ivan answered, there were whispers and murmurs...I know they were judging me, they were whispering to each other about me, they were- my thoughts got cut off when Ivan shakes my shoulders gently, "Fredika, please answer me..." "Huh?" I turn to Ivan, he sighs In relief. "I've called your name a few times Fredika, why didn't you answer sooner?" Oh, I'm sorry Ivan...I was just...thinking..." "Let's go get a snack, I'm sure you'll feel better after you have something to eat" he smiles softly at me and I nod before looking at my lap. Ivan sighs and softly grabs my hand, I stand up and follow him out of the room, the other nations are staring at us as we leave....

Ivan's POV

I lead my Fredika out of that room, I feel so bad for him, he must feel horrible, hopefully eating something will make him feel better...If I can even get him to eat, he has been getting worse lately..."What would you like to eat Fredika?" "U-Uhm...h-his about a salad..?" I frown, "Fredika, you had that last time you ate... how about some fruit this time?" "O-ok..." I smile softly at him and lead him to a store where we can get him some fruit.

After we get Fredika's food we go to a park near by and sit at a bench. Fredika picks at his food, taking small bites every now and then, it's better than nothing I guess...I kiss his cheek and smile at him. "Good job love, you're doing so well" he smiles a little bit and rests his head on my shoulder. I wrap my arm around his waist and hold him close to my side. "I love you Alfred" "I love you to Ivan" He looks up and smiles at me, I lean down and give him a soft kiss on the lips. I haven't seen his cute smile in awhile. He softly kisses me back, we sit there, softly kissing each other for what seems like forever, we eventually have to pull away for air.

Alfred looks at me with this super cute and loving look, I boop his nose, he blushed and I giggle, he's so cute. He burries himself into my side, I don't mind, I love being so close to him. I see one of Fredika's friends, Japan, or Kiku, I wonder what he's doing here. He sees us and he waves, I wave back, he then walk away...weird. I hear soft snoring and I look down, seeing that my little Fredika fell asleep. I kiss the top of his head and smile softly, moving him so he's under my coat, I wouldn't want him to get cold. He hasn't gotten good sleep in awhile. Hopefully nothing interrupts his sleep.

Uhm, so I'm having trouble on thinking what questions the Nations of the World should ask Alfred and Ivan, if you can think of any or really want a question answered, comment

I'm sorry for taking so long with these updates. Thank you so much for reading and have a great day/night

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