Chapter 4

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Alfred's POV 

     Ivan opens the door and we see all the nations of the world sitting in their spots as quiet as can be. Ludwig isn't yelling and is sitting quietly at his seat, he is very tense and staring at the table, he is clearly thinking. Arthur and Francis aren't fighting, they are both sitting next to each other quietly, Arthur is the same as Ludwig, tense and staring at the table thinking. Francis is playing with a rose in his hand, he is most likely also thinking. Feliciano isn't eating is pasta as normal and is very quiet, he keeps looking at Ludwig then the table then back at Lugwid, I think he's trying to think of what to say. The atmosphere is tense and it's so quiet...I hate the quiet, when it's quiet I can hear all my thoughts.

     "Oh look, the bloody git finally decided to show up." Arthur grumbles as he looks up at us. I shrink back a little and look at the ground. Ivan takes a protective step in front of me. "Sorry. We didn't really want to show up. I mean, who would want to show up to a meeting talking about their kids." Ivan says as he glares at Arthur, Arthur looks back down at the table. I grip Ivan's hand tightly as he glances back at me before leading me over to our chairs. We sit down and almost all eyes were on us, if they weren't looking at us they were looking at the table or wall.

     Ludwig stands up. "Alright. Since everyone is here we should get this meeting started." Everyone nods. Ludwig's voice isn't as demanding and confident, it's more calm and uncertain. "America. When did your...states first appear?" I take a deep breath before answering. "S-Sixteen O Seven" God damn it I stuttered. I'm such a failure, I can't even get a simple sentence out, AND ITS NOT EVEN A PROPER SENTENCE! There are a few mummers and whispers, even a couple of gasps. "H-How did you keep them a secret for so long?" Kiku asks.

     "W-well, i-it's pretty easy w-when no one ever v-visits or really even t-talk to you..." I look at the table, more murmurs and whispers. Ivan give my hand a squeeze and I glance at him, he gives me a soft smile, I look back down at the table. "America, when did you and Russia started dating?" Francis asks. I clearly don't want to talk anymore to Russia answers for me. "We started dating after the Cold War."

     "Have you done it yet?" Francis asks with a smirk. "No." Ivan answers Francis's question. "But you two have been dating for a couple of decades?" Feliciano asked. I look down at my lap and grip my pants. It's all my fault we haven't done it yet. I said no the first time Ivan asked me he hasn't asked since. "We don't want to talk about our sex life. It's not information that you or anyone else need to know." Ivan says as he glares at Feliciano. Feliciano shrinks back and grabs onto Ludwig's arm. I squeeze Ivan's hand, telling him silently that it's ok and it's just a question. Ivan takes a sighs and stops glaring at Feliciano.

Im so sorry for such a sort chapter, I'll try to make the next one longer. I'm sorry again for how short it is but I hope you like it. Have a great day/night

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