Hello, Everyone!
Welcome to the Wattpad Chatting Group!
I'm looking for new members to join me in my new group:
We could chat about reading, writing, anything publishing-related & just positive stuff.
We'll start off getting to know one another.
We'll respond here on Wattpad--like this book's comment section, my Facebook Group, & social media.
Wattpad recently closed its forums several months back due to moderation issues/bullying/racism/ etc. so they say :(
So, I decided to create a new diary/book series here on my profile so I can meet other like-minded readers & writers.
I made a few connections in the forums but lost contact since the forums were removed.
If you wanna join this club/group, then leave a comment below--introducing yourself, follow me on my Wattpad profile here, (I will return the follow) & request to join my new Facebook group.
So let's chat below--plus join the group here:
Hope to meet you soon!
MELANIN WATTPAD GROUP #contemporarylit #covers #bookcovers #POC
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