Chapter 20: Icky

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This chapter is dedicated to my loneliness and procrastination, as well as my beta who is probably sick of my shit, but still puts up with me because we're friends. Seriously though, this chapter took a long time because I was busy with other projects and kept putting it off. So I'm sorry for the long wait. I really am. Chapter one of One Horn and Means to an End will be posted in time. I believe they're already up on Ao3, so if you find me, good luck. It probably wouldn't be too hard, but good luck nonetheless.

The title for the chapter probably won't make since until the end, and I give full permission to anyone who wants the say "roll credits". I love Cinemasins, I've been watching them for years. Even though they've sold out to sponsorships, they're still good.



The pen raced across the paper as he jotted down his next thoughts, mind always analyzing as he saw. Jirou would need to work on her stamina, as she was beginning to tire out this early.

He updated her stats in his notebook.

Aoyama was going to need to work on his durability and pain tolerance, as he had been going to the outhouse every few minutes to deal with his stomach ache.

He updated his stats as well.

Izuku paused and bit the end on his pen, looking around while contemplating what he should do next.

Most of his notes on his classmates were done, and he really wanted to get out of this tree and start doing his own training. Aizawa said that his training would be with knives and stealth, hence part of the reason he was hiding in a tree. The other part was because he just really didn't want to talk to people.

He could see Kota a little ways off, looking around at his classmates angrily. If he was searching for Izuku, he didn't know, but the young boy was glancing around as if looking for someone.

Izuku let himself stare for a moment more before his phone buzzed. Yamada had getten him one, saying something about spoiling him. He didn't really know if he deserved it, but he was grateful either way. He pulled the device and saw it was a text from his guardian.

Aizawa: Get out of that tree and follow me. We're training.

Now he might've asked how the man knew he was up there, if it weren't for the fact that this man had the best hearing out of anyone he knew (save for Jiro and Shoji) despite living with the loudest man in the world. It was a gamble how the man could hear at all. Izuku knew from experience that Yamada's snoring could wake someone up immediatly.

Pocketing his pen, he swung down and landed silently on the plush grass. Kota didn't even turn around.

Aizawa waved him over and they both started walking away from the others. The man had a troubled expression on his face, the one he made when he was worried about how Izuku would react to something.

It made Izuku uneasy about what they would be doing.

"How do you feel about training more with knives?" Aizawa asked, peeking at him from the corner of his eye.

Izuku tensed a little.

Aizawa wouldn't force him to train like that. With concrete floors and glass shards. He wouldn't drive a knife through his shoulder just for training.

Aizawa wouldn't hurt him.

It still didn't erase the anxiety at the thought of training with someone else with knives. His guardian probably noticed his immediate discomfort and stopped walking. "Izuku, listen to me," He said as he kneeled down in front of him. "No matter what training we do, I'd never hurt you. Understand?"

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