Chapter 11: Relax?

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Hello my beauties. You'll never guess who I'm being for halloween. I'll give you a hint. It's a cosplay of one of my characters. Which story? Which character? Figure it out yourselves.
I'll follow the first person who guesses it correctly first try😉
On the same note, halloween is coming up! The holiday for cosplayers! Everyday is halloween for a cosplayer.
Now I'm not sure what the deal is, trick or treating wise, but I'm pretty sure it's happening. I mean, most costumes have a mask involved, and it's closed candy in wrappers. (don't take homemade candy, you don't know what in those) as long as your careful, respectful, and wear a mask, I'd say it's safe.

Anyway, enjoy the last fluff chapter~

"Now I want you to say, "My name is Midoriya Izuku. Nice to meet you"," Recovery girl said as Izuku sat in front of her on the edge of the cot next to her desk. He looked down at the board of sentences that was written for him to say.

He opened his mouth hesitantly. "My name is Midoriya Izuku. Nice to meet you," He whispered. Shame filled his heart and he looked down at his lap. He still couldn't speak normally. When would they realize he was useless and give up on him? If he was still with Shigaraki, he'd be slapped for his failure.

Recovery girl hummed, "It's still a little weak. With more practice it should get better. It's still progress nonetheless." Izuku looked up and saw her smiling at him. This had to be some cruel joke, right? There's no way she could be happy with him. "I don't want you to use your voice too much now. It could hurt your throat. Alright, dearie?"

Izuku nodded slowly.

"Now, off you go. You might be able to catch Aizawa if you go now," She said.

And just like that he was headed for the door, but just before he opened it he sent one bow to Recovery girl as thanks.

He rushed down the corridors towards the teachers lounge and found Aizawa just beginning to head down the hall towards his classroom. Today was the first day back from the students internships. Aizawa heard his footsteps coming and turned to see him heading his way. Just like every time, he glanced at the scar on his cheek. He'd done that. That was his fault.

He really was a screwup-

"Kid, you done with physical therapy?" He asked.

Izuku looked up after being startled from his thoughts, now noticing that he'd looked down in the first place, and nodded

"Say yes, but with your mouth," He said.

"Y-Yes," He whispered. His voice was still raspy and soft. It would take a while before he could speak any louder.

"It's getting better, good job," He praised. Izuku felt his cheeks go warm at the compliment and nodded. "I know you don't want everyone's attention on you, but just so you know, there are some students that are a little hyper and will ask questions. They can get pretty loud, are you okay with that?"

He wasn't but he didn't want to leave Aizawa's side, so he nodded instead.

"Alright," He said as the door came up. "Don't cause a scene and everything will be fine."

Loud voices came from behind the sturdy wood and Izuku subconsciously stepped behind his guardian. The man either didn't mind or didn't notice as he stepped up and threw the large door open.

And just like that, all the voices stopped at once.

He was somewhat awed by the silence and the blank stares of the students. It was so quiet he could hear a pen drop. Aizawa walked into the room and up to the podium, while Izuku followed behind him and sat on the floor in the corner with his notebook where he pulled it out from the back of his pants. He opened it to see a page of math problems he had written for himself earlier that morning.

The pen from his pocket in hand, he started distracting himself from the curious looks of the students and the loud respect demanding voice of Aizawa.

Izuku was halfway through the equations when Aizawa called the end of his announcements and laid down in his sleeping bag behind the podium. That's when students began to crowd him. Not all of them, there were a handful that stayed in their desks but looked on, watching the other students ask him questions. A boy with spiky blonde hair scowled in his direction and the boy he recognized as Todoroki ignored all of them.

Iida though, came to his rescue.

"Are you a new student? Why don't you have a uniform? Are you Aizawa's kid?" A girl with pink hair and skin asked.

"Why are you following Aizawa-sensei kero," A girl that looked like a frog asked.

"Did you come to marvel at my glory, Mon amie?" A boy with golden blonde hair asked.

"Wait, aren't you that boy from the USJ?" Another student asked.

Iida moved his way in front of him and tried getting the students to back off. "Give him some space, he's still not used to being crowded!" He scolded in a stern voice, fit for a class president.

"Why were you with Shigaraki?"

"How did you get into this school?"

"Were you saved?"

"Everyone leave him alone!" Iida commanded.

Panic flowed through his mind like a river as he looked between each of the students faces. It must've shown on his expression as they all took a few paces back. Some went back to their desks, seeing as they wouldn't get the answers to their questions, others stayed near just to look at him.

The girl with the frog features snuck through Iida's arms and squatted down about three feet away from him, enough to give him space, but still close enough to talk quietly for him to hear. "Are you okay? You look pale? Well, paler, Kero."

He shakily pulled his notebook out again and flipped to a fresh page. His hand shook but he managed to get it out.

"I don't like being crowded."

She read the note and looked back up at him and blinked. "I'm sorry then, didn't mean to overwhelm you. We're all just curious, kero. My name is Asui Tsuyu, but you can call me Tsu. What's your name?"

"Midoriya Izuku. It's nice to meet you, Tsu-san."

"Nice to meet you too. Can I call you Izu?" She asked. Izuku gapped at her. No one really had a special nickname for him, other than Shigaraki, but that had been an insult. It wasn't a genuine nickname like Izu was. In his shock, he slowly nodded his head.

Tsu put her index finger to her chin. "Can you not speak, Izu-chan? Are you mute?"

Izuku looked down at his lap and contemplated for a moment. Then he put his notebook down and cleared his throat. "N-No," He whispered. "Haven't.. spoken.. while. Need practice. Physical t-therapy." He sighed exasperatedly and pulled his notebook back up to his lap.

"So you just haven't spoken in a while? Is that what you meant?" He nodded. "I see, kero. Well, I hope that you're able to join us for classes at some point. I saw your fight with Sensei, you were impressive. Maybe you'd be able to give us knife handling tips? I'm sorry about myself and my classmates again, I hope we can become good friends, kero."

Tsu stood up and went back to her desk. It was then that he noticed everyone else had stopped looking at him.

Her voice.... it was so calming.

Maybe he could relax here?

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