Will it ever end?

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That was the only word that most people spoke. Who were you fighting for? Why would you fight? And when will it be over?

Many people asked themselves these questions trying to figure out what to do with the current war going on. Hoshido and Nohr were at war for about 5 years now. The people of both sides were suffering in there own ways while trying to figure out how to live.

Everywhere you turned, it seemed as if a battle was about to break out. Neutral countries turned to the side that often favored their motives. Others were taken over and forced to take part in a war they wanted no part in. But despite all the fighting going on around them, they still tried to live their lives.

But this wasn't the only war going on at the time. Another war was going on along with this one. A war that only involved two people. One on each side on this war. Yes, a war with their feelings. A war of love.


Inside the castle walls, there laid a library. And inside the library was a tall blonde haired boy, desperately looking for answers to his questions.

"*sigh* none of these books have the answer."
"Hiyah Leo! Whatcha looking for?" Chimed a cheerful girl. "E-Elise?! Don't just appear out of no where!" Leo yelled. "Hehe, Sorry."

Leo was the third oldest in the royal family of Nohr. He had short blonde hair that was kept in place with a black headband. He normally wore his armor around the palace as he was always prepared for a battle. He wielded a tome in battle and was one of Nohr's most skilled and feared mage on the battlefield. The little girl was his younger sister Elise. She was the youngest out of the four royals. She had long blonde hair that was put up into two side ponytails, held up with two black bows on either side of her head. She also had purple streaks that wrapped around in her hair. Unlike Leo, Elise was a healer more than a mage. Of course she knew a bit of magic, but rarely ever used it considering she was always around her siblings. She wore a short dress that stopped a little above her knees and leggings that went all the way down to her shoes.

"So, what are you reader big brother?" "Nothing right now. I'm trying to find something is all." He explained. "Maybe I could help you." She offered in her sweet Elise voice. "I appreciate the offer but no thank you. I can find it on my own." Leo didn't want anyone to know what he was looking for. So he kept his calm and composed face until Elise smiled and waved goodbye, leaving to find someone else to help.

When Leo was certain she left, he sat down near one of the tables by the window and stared out at it. He was lost in thought of what to do.

Leo: (we are at war. All Hoshidans' are our enemies. I hate them all. So then why do I not feel that way about him?)


In Hoshido, and silvered hair male was practicing his archery skills on some new targets, trying to take his mind off the world around him. He fired one right after the other, hitting the center of each moving target. As he shot his last arrow into the target, he heard the sound of someone clapping. He turned around to his his older brother, Ryoma, applauding him. He slightly blushed at.

Takumi: Ryoma stop that. It's embarrassing.
Ryoma: what? Me showing I'm proud of my little brother?
Takumi: h-how long were you standing there for?
Ryoma: only a little while. Probably saw you shoot only 5 targets.
Takumi: well I can assure you I shot way more than that.
Ryoma: And I believe you. Anyways that's not why I'm here.
Takumi: then why are you hear?
Ryoma: to ask you a question.

Takumi sat down on a nearby bench and grabbed his water saying "ok, shoot." Before taking a sip of water.

Ryoma: what's got you so worked up recently?
Takumi: what do you mean?
Ryoma: Takumi, I'm your brother. I know when something on your mind.
Takumi: (fuck!) Nothing much just thinking.
Ryoma: About?
Takumi: When this bloody war will be over. It's been going on for 5 years, Ryoma. Can't we just end it already?
Ryoma: As much as I would like to, I can't. Father doesn't want to admit defeat and I doubt king Garon will surrender anytime soon.
Takumi: yeah I know, but still.

Takumi looked up at the clear blue sky as Ryoma smiled and pat Takumi on the shoulder. Takumi looked at Ryoma.

Ryoma: just hang in there for a while longer. I'm sure it will end soon.

And with that Ryoma left. Takumi sighed as he placed his head on his hands.

Takumi: (but even if the war ended, we still wouldn't be allowed to see each other.)

Takumi gathered his things and walked off to his room to get ready for dinner.

~Time skip~

As Takumi laid there in bed, he couldn't stop thinking about the day when he first saw him. The Nohrian prince, Leo.

It was about a year and a half ago. He stood there on the battlefield next to his siblings, his Fujin Yumi in hand. Corrin was trying to decided whether to fight with Nohr or defend Hoshido. As corrin was making his decision, Takumi had look across the field at the Nohrian royals.

At the same time Leo had looked up and they both met each other's eyes. They had both felt something stranger in there chest but brushed it off as nothing. They then began to fight. Each time they would battle each other, they would feel the same thing in their chest growing stronger. It eventually got to the point where they didn't feel like fighting each other. But they were forced to obey their father's orders and fought anyway.

As time went on, they both began to look into the matter only to come back to the same conclusion every time.

Leo and Takumi:( I really did fall in love with my enemy.)

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