The meeting

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It was a peaceful night in both Hoshido and Nohr. There were guards stationed at respected posts for the night and both royal families were sound asleep. Well, almost all the royal members were asleep. As you may have guessed already, Prince Takumi and Prince Leo laid in there beds, wide awake. They were both waiting for the exact moment to move.

You see, every other night, they would sneak out of there rooms and meet up in the forest close to the bottomless cannon. The first time they did this was unintentional. They both wanted some fresh air and to clear there mind of the other royal only to find that they couldn't escape their thoughts of each other. From that point forward, they were able to find a time where the guards would change posts for a brief moment. It wasn't a long transition, but it was long enough for both princes to sneak out without anyone knowing.

Takumi heard the guards walk by his door and got ready to leave. He grabbed his Fujin Yumi and stood near the door. He counted the seconds before the guard would leave and then return.

32, 33, 34, 35, 36.

Just like every other time, the guard walked away for 45 seconds to switch. When he was sure that the guard left, he opened the door to his room and walked out, quietly closing it behind him. He then proceeded down the halls of the castle, dodging every guard at each station. All that was left was to pass the throne room and get into the village streets unnoticed.

As Takumi approached the throne room, he stopped and hid when he saw his father, King Sumanagi, still inside.

Takumi: (What is father still doing up this late?)

Takumi had to figure out another way to get outside and fast. He only had a few minutes left to get out of the castle or he'd be caught. Suddenly he heard someone behind him.

??: Lord Takumi? What are you doing here?

Takumi turned around to see who had caught him only to see a familiar face standing behind him.

Takumi: Hinata, you scared the hell out of me.
Hinata: Sorry my lord but why are you sneaking out this late? Shouldn't you be in bed?
Takumi: Look I cant tell you why or where for that matter. I just need to get some fresh air for a bit.
Hinata: They just walk on there. It's only your father.
Takumi: That's the problem. I don't want him to know.
Hinata: Oh ok. Do you want me to distract him?

Takumi looked at his retrainer in shock.

Takumi: you would do that?
Hinata: anything my lord wishes.

Takumi smiled and nodded his head, signaling Hinata to walk into the room. Hinata walked into the room in a hurry and had a eager but concerned look on his face. He knelt before his king and gave his normal report for the night, but added something else to the list.

Hinata: My king, I did a survey of the castle grounds like you wanted.
Suminagi: And?
Hinata: all looks well for the most part, except for the east side of the castle. If I may suggest, I believe we should position more guards on that side of the castle.
Suminagi: hmm. Very well Hinata. I will inform my guards of this at once. You are dismissed.
Hinata: Understood my king.

King Suminagi got up and calmly walked out of the throne room. After Hinata was sure that Suminagi had left, he walked over to the door he walked in and opened the door, allowing Takumi to sneak out undetected. As Takumi made his way across the throne room, he looked back and saw Hinata wave goodbye. Takumi nodded his head and made his way into the castle grounds.

After that Takumi didn't have many problems from there, as he said he snuck out of there many times before. Once he made it outside the castle walls, he walked through the village and headed into the forest.

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