What's the plan?

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Takumi slowly opened his eyes as the harsh sunlight peeked through the window, hitting him in the face. Shielding his eyes with his hand, he sat up and tried to remember where he was. Looking around confused, his eyes landed on the Nohrian prince sleeping in a chair next to the window.

He was quite surprised to see how peaceful Leo's face was when he slept. Quickly looking away from the sleeping prince, he tried to distract himself from looking at him by figuring out where he was. Reaching his hand up, he felt that there were no bandages around his head and no wound where he was hit.

That threw him off. He knew he was hit over the head and passed out several times. There was no way that could've all been a dream. Then he froze in place. The sun was up and it was a new day, meaning his siblings and father would awaken to find that he was missing.

Standing up from the bed, he grabbed his Fujin Yumi from the table next to him and walked over to the door. Taking one look back at the prince still asleep, he turned back around and closed the door. He felt bad about leaving him there but he didn't want to stay and find out if whoever brought them there was friend or foe. He needed answers.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, he quickly turned the corner and ran into someone. Both of them falling backwards onto the ground. He groaned and stood up before asking if the other was alright. They seemed unharmed and stood up on their own, nodded their head at Takumi.

Takumi: Were you the one who brought me here?
??: *shakes head*
Takumi: Can you show me who did?
??: *shakes head*
Takumi: Can you tell me anything about this place? Who are you and why am I even here?
??: ....

Takumi heard someone running down the steps behind him and turned to see Leo. He looked very annoyed with the archer.

Leo: You bastard! Were you seriously going to just leave me here?!
Takumi: Great, you're up.
Leo: I'm going to kill you after the stunt you pulled yesterday!
Takumi: What are you talking about?! I saved your life!
Leo: You passed out and made me drag your ass into the forest! Not to mention I had to use up all my magic to make sure you didn't die from your wounds!
Takumi: Well I didn't ask you to now did I!

Takumi and Leo argued back and forth, trying to prove who was right as the person Takumi ran into earlier just watched them. After a few minutes, Leo saw them and asked who they were but all they did was wave back.

Takumi: Well, doesn't look like they want to talk to you either.
Leo: Shut up! Like you had better luck.
Takumi: *rolls his eyes* anyway, we need to find a way out of here. I doubt either of our families will be happy to see that we're gone.
Leo: I agree, my father doesn't take these things lightly. *looks at the figure* Where are your parents?
??: *points at Leo and then Takumi*

Both confused at what the small child was pointing to, they decided to ignore it. They figured that they would be better off finding their own way home and left the kid in the hallway. The child watched as they both left and headed towards the door, feeling slightly sad to see them go.

Being outside in the sun felt so much better than being inside. Takumi suggested that they head towards the exit of the palace gates while Leo suggested that they try to find the figure that healed them yesterday.

Takumi: When were you going to tell me that someone actually helped us?
Leo: when you stopped yelling in my face. The real question is where they would be at.
Takumi: do you think the kid knows?
Leo: even if they did, they didn't seem like one to talk. (I wonder if they were scared of us. If they were they didn't seem to show any fear.)
Takumi: Did this mysterious person give you a name?
Leo: no, only a riddle about who they were.
Takumi: *sarcastically* great job, I have so much hope right now.
Leo: *annoyed* will you drop it already?!? You think I want to be stuck in some weird dimension with you? Hell, I had to save you from bleeding out yesterday so maybe show some thanks!
Takumi: Fine! Thank you for not letting me bleed to death because of something you did to me!
Leo: Typical you Hoshidian's always turn the blame around onto someone else!

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