Kidnapped by the enemy

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Leo slowly started to wake up as he groaned. Opening his eyes, he tried to sit himself up, only to realize that his hands were tied above his head. Using the weight of the metal to help him, he pulled himself up and sat against the wall. He then began to look around as he let his eyes adjust to the dim lights around him.

Slowly, his memory started to come back to him. He was on his way back to the palace with Xander by his side when they were suddenly attacked. They both were able to defeat their foe with ease, when out of no where fog surrounded them. Making it impossible to see where they were, Leo thought it best not to move. He kept his guard up and his tone ready in case he saw the enemy, he couldn't afford to throw careless attacks while his brother was somewhere in the fog.

Leo heard what sounded like a spell being casted and turned to face it. Before he could block, the spell caster's attack landed a blow on Leo. This resulted in him falling off his horse and hitting the ground as his horse rode off. But before he could stand up the enemy was standing right in front of Leo with a battle axe. Using the handle of the axe, he was able to knock Leo unconscious.

Having an idea on how he got here, he was trying to figure a way out. His eyes landed on the silver haired prince, sitting across from him. He caught sight of the amount of blood dripping from his head and began to worry. The top part of his shoulder was cover in blood and his bangs were tinted with a crimson color.

Leo tried to pull free of his restraints. He needed to tend to Takumi's wounds before it was too late. If it wasn't already too late.

Leo: Prince Takumi. Please answer me.
Takumi: ...
Leo: Are you really going to die in a cell from a blow to the head? Honestly, you're pathetic.

Takumi groaned a bit and mumbled something under his breath. Leo smiles as he heard it clear as day.

Takumi: Who said I'd die from this, Nohrian scum?
Leo: (there he is) how's you injury?
Takumi: it feels like my heads going to explode.
Leo: If I can get out of these restraints, I could at least stop the bleeding.
Takumi: heh, a Nohrian helping a Hoshidan. You'd probably kill me.
Leo: In normal circumstances I would leave you to die, but seeing how I am also wounded I need all the help I can get.
Takumi: Heh, what makes you think I'll help you?
Leo: Because if you don't then the enemy will most likely finish you off, if you don't die from lack of blood first.

Leo smirked at his last comment as the cell fell quiet again. Takumi let out a heavy sigh as kicked the ground for the cell, sending dirt flying at Leo. The blonde closed his eyes as the dirt hit his face and he let out an annoyed groan.

Leo: You really are impossible to work with, aren't you? I'm trying to help you and your acting like a child.
Takumi: ...Move the chain up.
Leo: Why should I?
Takumi: Just do it.
Leo: Fine. *lifts hands up* See, nothing-

Suddenly, the chain that connected his hand to the wall fell to his side and his hands were free. Looking at both of them then back at Takumi, he questioned how. Takumi just chuckled a bit in response as Leo felt what he thought was a dragon veil disappear.

Takumi's head fell forward as he let out a groan and closed his eyes. Leo ran towards him and held his head back, checking for a pulse on his neck. He sighed in relief when he get one still there, but it was faint. Looking up at the chains that bounded the archer to the wall, he quickly got to work removing them.

Once they were gone, he carefully laid the hoshidan down on the ground. Tearing a piece of cloth from his enemies's sleeve, he wrapped the other's head in hopes to stop the bleeding. Despite what others thought about him, he really was a kind person. But no one can show much kindness to the enemy especially in times of war. It often gets used or even mistaken for a weakness.

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