Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Published 1/8/2021

Life without Joel took some getting used to, in the days that followed. Natalie helped replace some of the hole he had left, but Harry had felt sadness that he couldn't talk to someone so neutral and friendly as Joel. Natalie wasn't the same. She didn't know how to calm him down, and he was never going to accept another drink from her without testing it.

"Draco... I need to heal your shoulder," he told Draco.

"Okay," he responded, looking right at him. He was coming far.

"I need to put you on your stomach," he said quietly.

"Oh," Draco murmured. Harry had a feeling that he would not be comfortable like that. "It'll be fine," Draco claimed.

"It's going to hurt a bit, but it will feel great after, okay?"

"I'm not a child, Harry," he snapped.

"Draco. I'm about to cause you pain. It distresses me. I need you to understand what is happening."

Draco sighed. "I understand. I'm sorry. I just... I'm not weak."

"No, you aren't, but you are allowed to feel scared and nervous. Your hips will be the same way... and I'll have to... umm... get on the bed... and touch your lower back, and... we'll talk about it then. But I want you to trust that I won't hurt you, needlessly."

"I do, Harry."

Harry stared at him for a few minutes, before he rolled him over and let him adjust. He then lowered the bed and slipping his hands under the blanket and found the crushed tip of the blade. He had Vanished the smaller chips, but the larger sections had cracks. They would never have supported weight properly. Harry warned Draco and pushed down hard. Draco gasped as the bone gave and reset properly. Harry massaged in out and healed it. About a half-hour later, he walked around and did the other side with a similar result.

"It's all healed up. You want a back massage, or I can face you back up?"

"Well, if you're offering... a massage would be great," Draco drawled. Harry was glad that he was too upset. I could have been bad.

Harry worked his muscles, and Draco just melted. Harry took off most of the Immobilius Charm. He couldn't deny the absolute satisfaction he felt as he kneaded Draco's kinks and sores out. Draco had been broken in so many ways. But his body responded to him and was well on the way to recovery. Draco was lifting his potions without shaking and was eating, at least when Harry was there.

Draco appeared to only trust food that Harry gave him. Harry always wondered about things that Draco didn't talk about. The food thing, the potion remnants in his liver and, most of all, the eye contact and no talking. He could only assume that it was beaten into him. Perhaps the food issue and the potion in his liver were the same thing. They forced him to take it, that Harry was sure of.

Natalie knocked and came in. "You got an owl. From the head honcho herself."

"Come to dinner or else?" Harry asked.

"Something like that. Somehow she managed to sound nice and threatening in one message."

"Guess that's why she's the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Going to be alright if I leave?"

Since Natalie was still there, Draco only rolled his eyes.

"Well, you could kidnap him. Just Apparate him right through the wards."

"Yeah, let's try that," Harry laughed and said goodbye to Natalie as she left. Then he slowly rotated Draco onto his back. "Seriously, are you going to be alright?"

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