Chapter 48

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Chapter 48

Published: 8/25/2022

Harry felt nervous as he stood outside Draco's door. Despite getting his terse note, he was still afraid that Draco had been hurt by his three-day absence. He was embarrassed, too, that he had let the firewhiskey rule him so completely. He wasn't an angry, abusive drunk... no, Harry had been the sad, crying drunk who avoided his pain. Fuck... this was going to take a long time to recover. He had no idea how to sleep without drinking or potions.

"Hey, Harry," Joel said, quietly, as he came from the lift.

Harry suspected Nat was around the corner, but she hadn't left her desk. He put up the Muffliato Charm anyway. "Hey," he murmured, staring at the wall next to Draco's door.

"How are you doing?" he asked, maintaining a reasonable distance. Harry appreciated that.

"Okay, I guess. Nothing... bad."

"Ron called me. I... I told him what potions would be beneficial... for someone quitting drinking. I hope I didn't overstep."

Harry shook his head. "No, Joel. Thank you... for answering his theoretical questions. I... I wasn't really capable of... taking care of myself. You were right."

Joel frowned. "I'm just glad you're okay. Can I ask...if you have any symptoms still?"

"Just the shakes, really," he said, still avoiding Joel's eyes. He didn't like being a failure to him.

"They'll go away soon. How are you handling... urges?" Joel asked.

Harry almost smirked, despite his embarrassment. Joel was his healer, now. That hadn't hit him until then. He wasn't his trainee anymore, nor was he his potion dealer. Joel was, in every respect, treating him like a patient. His patient.

"Okay, I guess. I've been too out of it to really feel anything other than pain."

"It probably will be worse tonight. I don't think that you should be alone."

Harry nodded. "Ron already convinced me to come stay with him for a while."

"Oh, Harry... that's great news. I'm... really, really proud of you."

Harry blushed and dropped his head more. "Thanks."

"Harry, please look at me," he requested.

Harry reluctantly turned and met Joel's soft eyes. His eyes teared up, unable to fend off the emotions.

"Nothing has changed, Harry. You're still my mentor and my friend. Draco still thinks the world of you," he said, and Harry looked down, blushing more. "The only difference is... you're getting better. This was a great step forward. You've had a lot to deal with, but you're healing. You don't need to be ashamed, because everyone needs a little help every once in a while. And... well... you're still my hero... and Draco's."

Harry shuddered and slowly met his eyes, again. "I need more than just a little help. I shouldn't be a healer. I'm a... bad influence."

"Harry! Don't say that! You... you're the only reason I passed my boards, and I don't mean just bailing me out of the hearing. They were right. My scores were low. I wasn't confident, and I didn't know how to talk to people. You taught me how to use my voice, be a healer, and stand up for my patients... and myself. I would never have passed the boards without the strength and skills you gave me."

Harry lowered his head, again. "I don't have any... confidence left."

"Yes, you do. When it comes to your patients and your staff members, you are... unstoppable. If there is wrong or injustice going on, you will fight it with everything you have. The trial proved that," Joel declared, then he took a deep breath. "Harry... Harry... I want you to consider... having... sessions with me a couple of times a week."

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