Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Published 9/17/20

It had been a week since he got Draco, and he had finally finished his right arm. He just needed to work on the neck and shoulders, and he could remove the charm on his arms. He didn't want him to experience any pain, so he wasn't going to free anything besides his hands.

Harry rolled next to him and said, "Draco? I need to work on your neck and your shoulders."

Draco still didn't answer.

Harry didn't let it frustrate him too much. "I will have to touch your skin directly."

That made Draco turn his head to look at him indirectly.

"I'm sorry. The magic I do... I must have contact to heal it. I'll have my eyes closed, okay?"

Draco turned back away.

Harry was going to put his foot down. He wanted Draco to be okay with it, to have a choice, to have some control. Harry knew that Draco hadn't had any in a long time.

"Draco... I'm not going to touch you there without your approval. So, if you don't answer, I'll start on your legs and leave it for later... if that's what you prefer. You don't have to talk, just nod, okay? So, do you want me to heal your shoulders and neck? I promise I will be very professional and won't take advantage of you."

Draco looked at him, analyzing him. He nodded.

"Thank you, Draco. I want you to be okay with this. I'm going to pull the bed out, and I'll work from the top of the bed, alright?"

Draco nodded. Harry was happy about that. He lowered the bed and slowly quested his hands under Draco's hospital gown. He repaired the remaining damage from the fall and several other cracks in the blades, though there was a larger one he'll have to wait for. Harry could tell that there were stress factors from being held down and worse, abnormal wear signs that his shoulders had been forced to be extended up and over his head for long periods. If he had to guess, Draco was chained spread-eagled. He almost hated how he learned more of what Draco went through every time he healed him. It just kept getting worse.

When Harry got to the soft part of his shoulder and started massaging the muscle damage. Draco gasped audibly, and Harry stopped immediately and opened his eyes. Draco was right below, staring at him.

"Is everything okay?"

Draco nodded. "Please...."

"Oh, yeah," Harry said, stupidly. "You're going to feel a lot better after this. It might hurt a little, but it should go away immediately."

He closed his eyes and started in on an intense deep-tissue massage, but he was also healing it. Draco made more noises, but Harry didn't stop, again. He got to his C-spine and was glad it was just cartilage damage. He rebuilt it slowly and healed the pinched nerve damage. Draco's head had been forced back to the base of his thoracic spine. Harry didn't want to think of a scenario that caused that. He worked out the inflammation, bone damage and muscle tears from the back of his head down to the bottom of his neck.

When he was done, he went over Draco's upper shoulders with another moan inducing massage, making both him and Malfoy feel very happy.

"Sir... your appointment?"

Harry wrenched his eyes open to look at the door. Joel, again. "Yes, please tell them I'll be another 15 minutes. And Joel?"

"Yes, sir?"

"Never walk into a patient room without knocking first and announcing who you are, especially if I'm in here."

"Yes, Healer Potter!" he said and ran away.

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