chapter one: Application

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All of the information in this is false. I don't know where film family shoot their videos 👀

My alarm beeps and I slam it to shut it up. I get up and get dressed even though it like 8:00 am. I go downstairs and make some breakfast for myself since my mom has already left. Oh by the way where are my manners, I'm Alex and I live a simple life with my mom no dad. This is just a story about my life and you're brave if you're still reading, maybe my life will get interesting but for now imma eat my breakfast.

Once I'm done I get a text from my friend Mable and she asks me to meet her at the local coffee shop she always goes to. I agree since I had nothing to do.

I decided to walk to the coffee shop cause it's kinda close to my house.i walk for about 10 minutes since I'm walking really slow. I finally get there and spot Mable sitting at a table.

I walk over to her and greet her "hey marble." And she gives me a disappointed look " I told you not to call me that." I shrug "well forget about telling me that because I'm gonna carry on calling you that."

She rolls her eyes "whatever, well you know we're getting like 3 weeks off of school and I already applied for a job here so what are you gonna do."

I sighed "I don't really know I need to make my own money since I'm gonna graduate soon but I don't have any work."

Mable looks up as if she just got a huge idea "do you know how to assist someone like get everything and handle them laying all their stress on you while you just try to be nice because it's your job and you want to keep it because you get paid at the end of every month?"

"What" I ask

"An assistant"

I just look at her like she's crazy. And she rolls her eyes " I've been online and I saw a job application and since it won't be that hard for someone to do it's perfect for someone who's gonna soon have a lot of homework"

"Yeah so?"

"Dummy go apply for the job" she folds her arms.

I look down "I don't know dude you said it yourself soon I'm gonna get a lot of homework and being someone's assistant need full on attention and dedication."

Mable rolls her eyes once again "could you just apply you never know what could happen."

I sigh "okay if it makes you happy I'll apply."

Her face lights up "yay thanks for finally listening to me!"

"Whatever. Hey we've been here for about 15 minutes now and haven't ordered. I feel weird now." I say whispering.

"Yeah let's order." Mable says while getting up and I soon follow her.


I finally get home at like 3pm and lay down on my bed for a minute. I get up and go on my laptop I looked it up and found a job application for an assistant.
I decide to fill it in, there's no harm in trying right? I have absolutely no hope that I'll get the job. I don't even know who's assistant I'm gonna be because there's barely any information on the application, how professional.🙄

How am I supposed to do it all? I am on a break but I'm gonna go back to school. But at the same time I do need the money. Wait why am I talking like I'm gonna get the job?

Let me take a little nap.


"Girly get up momma's home!"

Is what I wake up to, seriously.

"Come on mom, what time is it?" I say groggily.

"It's 8:15pm you slept for a really long time."

"Damn I was tired. I didn't even know I was tired." I say softly.

Mom speaks up "I've already made dinner come down to eat and don't tell me you're not hungry."

I sigh "fine I'm coming."

I go down and eat after that I watch Spiderman : far from home because I was bored.

After that I finally went to sleep, I have a long day of doing nothing ahead of me. Might as well go to sleep now


Like I've said I know absolutely nothing about where they film, who's in charge or what goes on there this is just a fanfiction

First chapter I hope my writing gets better than this

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