chapter two: the job

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My eyes jolt open because of my stupid alarm clock. I slam it because I do that every morning. I lay in bed for about 20 minutes questioning why I still got an alarm set even when I'm not going anywhere.

I get up and take a shower and get dressed just to feel fresh. I head on downstairs and there's no sight of my mom. I sigh because that's how it has been for years now and honestly I miss spending time with my mom since I have no one else.

Loud bangs on the door scare me half to death and I walk to the door and open it only to find Mable.

"Hey Alex."

"Hi Mable."

I say and move aside and let her in because if I didn't she would have shoved me away.

She goes straight my fridge

"So, you said you'd fill up the application, and did you?" She asks while shoving a strawberry in her mouth.

"Yeah I did it was the weirdest thing ever there wasn't any information on who I'll be working for and where. Really sketchy stuff." I say and take the strawberries away from her.

"And did they reply?" She looks at me and I look away. She speaks up again "you didn't even check didn't you?"

"No..." I say and turn

She grabs my shoulders and turns me around. "Well could you check now?"

I sigh and roll my eyes "fine but only because you won't leave me alone if I don't."

She smiles "good girl Alex."

I glare at her "stfu will you"

She puts her hands up "hey no need for demon Alex to come out."

I roll my eyes again " just shush"

She zips her mouth and I go up to my room and take my laptop. I head back down stairs and she Mable with a plate of bacon and eggs and orange juice.

My eyes widen in shock "when did did know what nevermind. Here let's check but I'm pretty sure there's no email in here."

"I have hope " she says with her mouth full.

I scrunch up my nose in disgust "that's nasty Mable." And she just shrugs.

I open my laptop and put in my password, not gonna tell you what it is and it's definitely not password. I go to my email and yes I do find an email.

"See I told you you'll find an email." Mable says looking over my shoulder right behind me.

I jump "damn girl I didn't even see you, you were right there." I say pointing across the room.

She pokes my sides "just open it already!"


Address things


Dear Ms kusac

We are very pleased to inform you that we would like to interview you prior to the job application that you had sent in. If possible we would like to interview you this morning or whenever as soon as possible to you.We would like to interview at this address:


Hope to see you soon
Sorry for the inconvenience
(No there is no blah blah blah please don't come at me)

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