The Visitors

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Ginny was the first one to speak, breaking the silence.

"So... who was that?"

"Jay." I answer simply. Not particularly knowing what else to say.

"We know that, but who is he?" Hermione asks just as Mr Weasley, Bill, Charlie and Percy walk into the room.

"What's going on?" Percy asks in a stuck up manner as always.

"Olivia has just received a phone call from someone called Jay and we want to know who it is." Hermione said not looking away from me, clearly wanting an answer.

"Well - he's my older brother.."I reply taking my seat next to Hermione again. Whilst receiving confused looks from everyone but the twins.

"What?" Ron says the most confused out of them all.

"He's my brother." I say just wanting this to end to end.

"But we all thought you have three brother's, vampires, Emmett, Edward and Jasper... Right?" Hermione says.

"Wait so you have four brother's?" Ginny asks me just as confused as Ron now.

"No... technically I have five.." Everyone just looked at me as if I were insane. "Yous didn't actually think that Carlisle, Esme, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, Jasper and Edward are my biological family, did you?"

"Well, no but.." Hermione says as she turns to look at Ron and Ginny. "Actually I think Ginny and Ron did..."

"Right... well they're not. My real parents just gave me to Carlisle and his family for my own safety. At the time I was only 1 whereas Jay was 13 and Will was 16."

"Ah I see." Mrs Weasley says.

"So then who's Erin and who are you're real parents?"

"Jay works at Chicago P.D in intelligence and Erin is his partner... like police partner. My real parents are Peggy Carter and Steve Rogers.."

All of their jaws drop apart from the twins as they already know and Ron and Ginny because they don't really pay attention to what happens in the muggle world... more so America.

"Who?" Ginny says clearly just wanting to know like everyone else did.

"Steve Rogers.. more commonly known as Captain America, you know, super soldier from World War 2, took down Hydra and the red skull? Frozen in ice..?"

"oh... yeah I know who you mean now." I then continued telling them everything I had just told the twins about 2 hours ago.

Once I finish they all just look at me, shocked and simply trying to process what's just happened. Five minutes went by of them just staring into space whilst me and the twins talked to each other about when they'll come out of they're own world. The silence was then broke by a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." I say as I stand up. Fred and George follow me close behind.

I open the door to be lunged at by Erin into a hug.

"Hey!" I smile as I'm nearly shoved back into the table.

"Hi" she replies as she pulls away from the hug

"Have you missed me or something?" I laugh

"Of course! I need you to come back to Chicago as fast as you can because working in a room full of men can get annoying sometimes." she says smirking at Jay, whilst she walks over to introduce herself to Fred and George.

"Hey Jay!" I say as I hug him too. If I'm being honest.. I've missed them a lot too. I then turn to my Mum and lunge her into a hug similar to what Erin did moments ago.

"Hi Mum!"

"Hello Darling!" she says as she pulls away from the hug going over to where Jay and Erin are talking to the twins. I close the door behind her turning back to them to see that everyone else has come into the room and introduced themselves. They take a seat at the table with the Weasley's apart from the twins and Ron who stand with me. Conversation take their turns, getting to know each other better. Jay and Erin were having a conversation with me and the twins, when Jay adds in information about the Winter Soldier.

" You're going to have to come back to Chicago sooner than you think. The Winter Soldier's been causing loads of problems. Will keeps complaining to me about the amount of patients they are having."

"Yeah well, I always seem to come back to Chicago sooner than I plan." I respond. I know what Will's like.. whenever I'm not there he blames Jay.

"When are you planning to come back?" Erin asks clearly waning me to come back soon. So do I but I don't at the same time. I've got a life in both Chicago and London. It's hard to choose.

"About a week before Halloween, I'll stay about two weeks. And then a week before Christmas to stay for a month, possibly. It depends." Bill must have overheard what I said as he adds something...

"I don't know if you're going to want to leave Hogwarts at Christmas. There is something very special planned. I wish I was back at Hogwarts this year." I raise an eyebrow at him.

"What is it? What's planned that's so special?"

"Can't tell you that. You'll find out on the first feast."

"Wow.. what a way to convince me that I'm going to want to stay." I sarcastically add.

The conversation carry's on to normal stuff until my Mum says it's best they should get going. They say goodbye to everyone as they soon disperse into the living room and some upstairs to bedrooms. Fred is talking to Jay about god knows what whilst I'm talking to Mum and Erin.

"Your Dad told me to give you these... he said there some documents from S.H.I.E.L.D he would like you to have to look over and do what ever you want. There is a note from him too." she says as she hand me a pile of documents with a note on top.

"Okay, thanks." I smile at her as she gives me a hug and says goodbye heading into the car.

"I approve of your boyfriend." she says smirking at me as I chuckle at her words. "He's nice but you know Jay... He's giving him the 'older brother chat'" she chuckles at me.

"Oh my God! Great..." I say as Jay starts walking over to us

"Bye, Liv." he says as he hugs me again, then Erin does the same.

"Bye!" I reply as I close the door behind them. I turn around to see Fred stood not so far behind me. He makes his way over to me. "What did he say?" I ask.

"He said if I ever hurt you, I would get a beating." He chuckles

"That sounds like Jay. And by the way, he's not lying." Fred's smirk turns into a worried look. "Why do you look so worried? You're not going to hurt me, right?" he nods. "Exactly so you have nothing to worry about!"

We head into the living room, after I quickly run upstairs and put the documents safe. Chatter fills the room for a good couple hours until Mrs Weasley realises the time a sends us off to bed as we've got to pick Harry up tomorrow. I say night to everyone and kiss Freddie goodnight in the kitchen after I grab my glass of water. I head up to Ginny's room, into her bathroom to get changed and ready for bed. I put on a pair of light purple joggers and a black vest top.

I lay in bed staring at the ceiling for a good few hours until I slowly drift off to sleep.

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