Part 7

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I stepped into the Potion's room wearing jeans, a white shirt, and a denim jacket. I was on my way to the game to watch Draco and hangout with Lucius but I had received word from another Slytherin that Snape wanted to see me.

"Professor?" I stepped farther in the room but the door slammed shut behind me causing me to jump. I turned and tried to open it but it was sealed by magic from the outside.

"LET ME OUT!!" I shouted as I pounded on the door.

"Hey Flamel," I recognized Fred and George's voice coming from somewhere in the room but I didn't know where from, "We realize that the mess was too good for you the other day but now we have something much better." 

I walked to the center of the room and looked around, mentally preparing myself. I must have bumped the nearest student desk because the top flew open and out popped a ball that flashed and morphed till it looked like Nicolas. I backed away from it as It hopped to the floor from the desk.

"N-Nicolas?" My voice was broken with emotion.

"Nope, I'm dead. Remember?" It was cold and uncaring.

I shook my head in disbelief.

"My only legacy, a freak for a kid and a broken stone. Where were you Erica?" It swept up and grabbed me by chin. Tears filled my eyes as I was frozen to the spot in fear. I knew it wasn't him from the speed but it was playing on my fears.

"Where were you when I took my final breath, Erica?" It hissed.

"Stop it. Please stop." I pleaded through my tears. It's cold hand let me go and started to circle me.

"You didn't take long though to throw yourself at another family," I tried to cover my ears as I screeched at it to shut up, "Dumb girl. I mean nothing to you? After all I sacrificed?!" It yelled the last part at me.

I turned to leave but bumped into another desk. The top flew open and out crawled Lucius Malfoy.

"Freak! I don't know why I adopted you! Worst mistake of my life!" He shouted. I ran to Snape's desk and stood behind it as the damn Bogarts advanced slowly on me.

I shouted the counter spell at them but they dodged. They had been in the forms I most feared for too long. I shot spell after spell and not going to lie, I did not hit them every time. I was too busy closing my eyes to try to block them out. Some of Snape's possessions were destroyed but nothing I couldn't fix.

One grabbed a vile, as I was mid protest, and threw it. The vile struck the desk, exploding and sending me into a bookcase against the wall. The air was knocked out of me as the bookcase came down on top of me. I tried to push it off but yelled when a burst of pain told me not to move. Despite that, I clawed at the books as the bogarts almost reached me. This was it! This is how I was going to end my story, being eaten alive by two bogarts... pathetic. 

Suddenly the door blew open and Snape strolled in, flicking his wand at them causing them to turn and stare at him.

"Fuck." I heard him utter as he stopped in his tracks. They turned on him and started to morph and warp, turning into a tall guy with unruly black hair and glasses.

"Snivilous can't beat a simple-"

"Incendio!" Snape roared before the second one had time to take shape, and the Bogarts exploded into dust. 

His focus turned to me as he rushed over and moved the bookcase back to its original spot with a wave of his wand. I gasped for air as I became free. Oxygen rushed into my lungs and cleared the black dots from my vision.

"What were you doing in here?!" He snarled as he helped me to my feet.

I cried out in pain as he ran his wand over my side, fixing the fractured bones.

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