Part 11

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I found myself here again in a lonely train compartment on a bustling train. Was a chilly night and as we got closer to the castle, the more frost seemed to be on the ground. Weird considering it had been a seasonally warm night. I recognized this somewhere...

I tried to shake it off as I changed into my uniform. Packing away my clothes, I heard someone shouting towards the front of the train. After securing my luggage, I turned to open the door but the train jolted to a halt knocking me off balance and hitting my head against the door as I opened it. Black.

I opened my eyes as I gasped and arched my back. A black hooded figure was hovering over me, sucking my life out. I couldn't help but noticed all I felt was cold and sad... like all my happiness was gone. I couldn't say how long it had been feeding but I was starting to see my life played back from beginning to end.

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" I vaguely heard someone roar as I was now taking small gasps, trying to cling on despite the terror I was feeling. My breath was coming out in puffs of cold air as a silvery wolf hurled toward me.

The hooded figure was sent crashing through the train window with a ball of blinding white light, shards of glass flew everywhere. I saw a tall shaggy man run to the window to check if it was gone. He turned and came back over to me. He was saying something but it sounded garbled. He made a 'wait' motion with both his hands and ran off. I was practically seizing as convulsed from the intense cold.

A familiar dark figure suddenly loomed over me and my vision blurred out as he got closer but cleared as a liquid was poured into my mouth. I swallowed and choked as the contents ran down my throat. I warmed and relaxed with instant relief.

"Is that the Counter-Dormentus Potion? From the book?" I croaked as I smacked my lips together. I heard Snape snicker.

"Figured it would be acquired this year."

"How did you get rid of the sharp pine taste?" I enquired as he helped me to my feet. Before he could answer the strange man came running back in with a blanket and chocolate.

"Oh good your okay! It almost had your soul." He blathered. For some reason Snape glared at him.

"Get out Lupin." He snarled. 'Lupin' looked sad slightly, setting down a chocolate bar on the seat but did as Snape ordered.

"What was that about? He saved me from that Dementor." I said to Snape while pointing to the damaged window as he turned on me.

"He is a monster and your best to stay clear of him." He advised.

"What did you mean by the potion being "acquired for this year"?" I asked as it finally clicked.

He sighed and turned to the window, taking out his wand from his sleeve. He waved his wand and repaired the window.

"There is a loose Prisoner from Azkaban. The Ministry have strong beliefs that he may be headed... for Hogwarts." He sounded grave. I was about to ask more questions but he just sashayed out of the compartment. I smirked, fashion bat.

I sat down and picked up the chocolate, nibbling some before settling into my book. I had to do some digging.


I sat poking at my food in the Great Hall as Draco elbowed me in the side. I looked over at him.

"Heard what happened on the train. Are you okay?" He was being genuine as I smirked at him.

"Obviously," I turned to Blaze and Pug girl, "Anyone know anything about the new teacher?"

We all looked up at the teacher's table and saw Lupin eating a turkey leg with big mouthfuls. Pugy made a noise of disgust.

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