Imagine #58 - Dr Luther Swann

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*A/n* - I know I'm late but I've only just found that Netflix cancelled V Wars after binge-watching it for the third time and honestly, Netflix need to sort their shit out and bring it back because I can never have enough Luther Swann my life. 


{Got your hands full}

Doctor Luther Swann walked into the lab that he and (Y/n) shared but she couldn't help but notice that he was being followed by a woman that you had never seen before. "Rachel," He pleaded, clearly desperate for her to leave him alone. "Can we please not discuss this here?" He asked, placing some files on the work surface. 

"I want to see my fucking son, Luther!" She said, getting more and more annoyed with him. Immediately, (Y/n) gathered that this was Luther's ex-wife. "Please, not here!" He said, looking at (Y/n), embarrassed. "Look, I know you want to see Dez, Rachel, but right now it's in his best interest that you don't." He stopped and looked at her as her face dropped. "Just for now." The door opened and (Y/n), Luther, and Rachel turned to see who was coming in. 

"What's she doing here, Luther?" Another woman asked, that (Y/n) recognised to be Luther's current wife, Jess. Rachel turned back to Luther. "He's my son too!" 

"I know he is-" Luther turned to Jess, unable where to look. "What are you doing here?" He asked Jess, feeling suddenly overwhelmed. "I came to bring you some dinner." She smiled, pulling a Tupperware box out of her bag. Rachel rolled her eyes at Jess, but this only made the tension thicker.  "You're just too unstable," Jess stated as Luther's face dropped. "Luther's just too polite to say it to your face but he'll happily say it behind your back." 

"Right!" Luther said, having enough of this situation and quite frankly, (Y/n) was glad because she had been too awkward to get the hell out of there before any of this. "I have a lot of work to do and I don't need this right now." He looked at Jess. "I will see you later." He planted a kiss on her cheek as he watched her leave the lab. He turned his attention to Rachel. "Rachel, I will ring you later and maybe we can work something out, okay."

"You'd better." Rachel said, turning on her heel and leaving too. 

"Looks like you've got your hands full." (Y/n) said, smiling as she watched Luther put his head in his hands. "You're not kidding." He replied, sighing, wondering what the hell he was going to do. 

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