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"I wear it better." His low voice and hot whispering into my ear. "You should take it off." Rough hands softly sliding up my chest, my shirt just disappearing under them showing my bare chest. "Take it all off." Suddenly I lay exposed under the other man. "Now cum for me baby boy."

RING RING RING. The alarm clock goes off me up. Quickly I turn off the alarm on phone and sit up glancing at the clock. An hour before school. I didn't have much time to investigate the new guy or even deal with my sexually flustered fueled dream I try to shake from my head. I wonder if Tony knows him. Deadpool what an odd name for a super hero. Reaching under the bed I pull out the face mask of the suit. "Hello Karen." I say slipping it on.

"Hello Peter."

"Karen, I want to bring up the footage last night of our encounter with Deadpool."

"Yes Peter."

"While you're at it send Mr. Stark, an email containing a description of Deadpool asking if he knows him."

"Yes Peter. Should I run a search on the name?"

"Yeah that too."

"It brings up shield files, high level federal documents. It will take time to decrypt the files would you like me to start?"

"AH...." I slowly exhale that wasn't what I was expecting. "No, I want to wait and see what Mr. Stark says." Maybe Tony will know more about it. Looks like I won't find anything out for now. I all I can do is get ready for school.

Getting to school is no problem, no crime, and I'm Spiderman. School is well school. It's my last year before I graduate, I don't think I will miss school as much as I'm going to miss my friends. Speaking of I see a flash of red and a smile bursts onto my face. "MJ!"

"Petey!!" MJ yells turning towards me. I walk faster and give her a quick hug joining the group. "Last night was the best. I'm so glad everyone could make it." MJ says giving a quick look at me. MJ knows why I can't often make it. "It breaks my heart knowing we are not all going to the same collage." Wow, it's only three months into the year and she's already acting like it's over. "I think I've narro.." Mj kept talking but I was struck with a realization. I haven't really given much thought to what's next, there is still time though. The bell ringing out is what reminds me there's something I wanted to tell her.

"Let's walk together MJ I've something to tell you." I say bumping her shoulder. MJ waves Harry on while Gwen just waves bye. Linking her arm with mine MJ gives me a pointed look.

"What's his name?" MJ grins hopeful I've found a crush, since she made me promise I would tell her if I got one. I should probably tell her about the dream, or not.

"Deadpool." I say completely seriously, while MJ just looks puzzled. It's hysterical.

"What the hell kind of name is that." MJ says letting go of my arm to make a few grand gestures. "Is this a co-worker?"

"I don't know. He stopped the bank robbers' heist." Peter points out, MJ humming along urgently. "He told me that he was a fan of your friendly neighborhood Spiderman. Also accused me of stealing his costume, which is black and red. He came to the city to meet me and does not know what personal space is." Saying all of it out loud sounds more normal then the conversation with him was.

"Interesting." MJ teases, physically leaning closer to hear more.

"I tried to look him up but mostly found encrypted files. I don't want to let my guard down it might be a ploy. It would be a good way to keep an eye on him though, doing patrols together like he asked to. Did I tell you he has Katana's and guns?" I say distracting her temporarily. It's nice to have someone to tell this all to. I wonder if I will see Dead Pool again tonight?

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