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a/n: ok so little heads up, the italic text refers past ok. purple you guys 💜💜💜


He was in a dark room with his hands tied to his back, his lips brutally bruised and his feet tied with the fan. He was tied upside-down, the weak rope would rip any moment and kill him any second. Tears fell from his dark eyes and his gaged throat croaked a sob. He was dying at age of 12. pathetic

He was alone in the rusty building. That's what they always did to him, trap him using his sister's name and bully him. But today he snapped back at them, they were taller and stronger than him. They gave him a life sentence at his little defense.

He was counting his last breathes when the rusty door creaked open and a boy ran in with dry breathes.

He shook with fear, but the boy meant no harm. He placed the stool under the fan and quickly yet carefully untied the poor boy. He then carefully sat him on the dirty floor and examined his bruises mumbling quiet strings of 'it's ok', 'you are very brave' in his ears and he watched his savior under orange shades of evening.

Then the boy looked at him and pleaded "look, don't let anyone know that I saved you ok? I don't like it, I did this for you(licks his dry lips) come I will take you home" the bruised boy nodded his head quite slowly due to weakness an embarrassment. He was carried on his rescuer's back and they escaped through the hole in the net fence.

He was saved.

The boy stopped near his home and placed the bruised boy gently on the soft grass. He was about to flee but stopped with a tug of a weak hand "hey wait, who are you? How can I ever repay you?" his voice filled with tears of gratefulness and shame. The other boy tilted his head a little and smiled.

" I can't"

"Please, I insist. m.my mom makes delicious cookies. Please" he wet his dry trembling lips, fearing he might be rejected again. the other gasped with a twinkle in his eyes "really?"


"l. like friends do?"

"uh..yeah I guess"

the other let out another gentle gasp and hesitated a bit" can..can I hug you? as friends do?" his innocent request was a shock for little namjoon, he winced with pain and whimpered with hurt painted all over his bruised face "huh... but I, I am... I can't, they... call me ape butt "the boy bashfully tells the other. he was shocked with a sudden gentle hug and bursting giggles danced around his trembling form. he felt so safe and good.

"Then we will be good friends" the angel-faced boy giggled while hugging a shocked little Namjoon."cuz they call me twig fingers"


   Namjoon's eyes widen" hmm Taehyung left early today as well?" the old attendant watched him and replied with a sweet smile" yes he said his friend was ill so he left without waiting for you". The news was very astonishing for Namjoon, no employee had the courage to go out of the way, but this Taehyung was one of the kind. He was clever, talkative, cheerful, and worst of all, he was a social butterfly with sparks of intelligence in his eyes. Namjoon had never seen so much energy bottled up in such a delicate thing.

His eyes chimed with darkness when a notification bell rang on his cell-phone and he smirked" well, well café huh? Finally I can play more" and chuckles evilly at the negotiation signal indicating his prey's location.

"it's gonna be fun, twig fingers"


welp, that's all. double update cuz why not!!!!

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