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I am still alive...

Enjoy ~


White and stinging light flashed in his eyes. He winced painfully and covered his eyes with the back of his hand. He slowly opened his eyes again and found white-washed walls and the smell of medicine surrounding him. He scrunched his face with disgust and groaned with displeasure.

He hated the smell of hospitals.

"Ah! You are awake." he heard the familiar calm voice. He groaned and turned his face away from the person standing by his bed in the emergency ward.

Jin scoffed and sat on the uncomfortable chair he had been sitting on for the past three days "I can't decide if you look good or bad with that ugly swelling on your face "

Namjoon grimaced and tried to turn over and smash Jin's charming face like mushy slime but a sharp pang in his head prevented him from moving even an inch.

Call it bad luck but it seemed he had no way out this time.

He has been stuck with Mr. Goody two shoes since some douchbag bashed his head during his assault on Taehyung.

Jin smiled at his old friend "hmm... I see you still hate the smell of rubbing alcohol... I hate it too."

"why are you here?" he heard Namjoon's groggy annoyed voice and he could not help his smile to break out of his cheeks "Namjoonie, I will always be there. Just like you are always here"

Namjoon grits his teeth and shut his eyes, not wanting to look at the person he once trusted. Not wanted to tolerate his presence for a single second.

"go away" he grumbled, feeling the pain seep into his whole body.

He hated Kim Seok Jin and they were sworn enemies.

And that's it.

"Oh hello! Is your friend alright?" he heard another sweet urgent voice and found a nurse around Jin.

Psh! Show off!

Jin smiled sweetly at the nurse "ah yes he is alright now thanks to your devoted services. You work really hard"

A crease formed on Namjoon's forehead with confusion. Jin was not supposed to answer sweetly to anyone. Last time he was nothing but a jerk.

What changed?

"... I wonder who bashed his head like that? Aigooo you must be worried for your friend. I wish I had someone like you"

She was a terrible flirt and an annoying brat.

Namjoon hated her

"aish you are just kind. He took good care of me back when we were at school."

"awhhh you both are so cute. I totally support you and your boyfriend..."

"aigoo no no we are brothers right Joonah? Brothers forever" he wiggled around with that stupid chuckle and patted Namjoon's arm a little too harshly "we better get him home. He misses his cat right Joonie?"

Cat? What cat?

"awwhhh... take care."

"wtf are you doing?"

"I am taking you home Joonie." He linked his arm with namjoon's and tugged him gently outside the hell hole people call the hospital.

They took a sigh of relief together and Namjoon ripped his arm away from Jin's hands "what do you think you are doing huh? Do you think paying the bills and running around me while I lay injured was an adventure for you?"

There was a strange color of emotions splattered on Jin's face. He waited for Namjoon to calm down. He waited for him to finish his meaningless rants. And drink... drank all the hatred Namjoon had stored for him in his heart.

Namjoon did some deep dark shit to him in the past but he was innocent by heart.

A gentle giant, who was provoked

He just wanted to look at him just a little bit more.

A little more

He waited till Namjoon was breathless.

He waited for him to rest a bit so he could do what he is best at doing.

He pulled Namjoon by his nape and kissed his forehead

"I forgive you" he let out a hushed whisper and pet Namjoon's head softly "I will really try to not miss you Namjoon..."

"what are you saying?"

"I made a decision and sadly, it does not involve you this time Joonie."

Namjoon tried to break through Jin's captivating embrace but the other made sure to keep a stronghold around him"... why would I care if you missed me or not... I hate you"

"yea right! You hate me so much that you keep a special eye on anyone who approaches me?"

"so people around me were safe?"

"It was our fight Namjoon... and you are not willing to know the truth..."

"no... you killed my sister"

"do you have proper proof Namjoon? Or are you still relying on some blurred video? Think about it. " he squished Namjoon's bulky body in his arms and snuggled deep in his embrace.

Looking at them from a distance, you'd think they were long-lost friends or lovers.

"you are still denying it, how can I forgive you? You murdered her in cold blood you rapist monster!"

"I will live... I decided to give life another chance, even though it hurts me that I will not see you again" Jin whispered in his ear "and don't worry, I won't tell a soul that you harassed one of your ex-employees. Even though I have a very clear video... " And places a crushed chip on Namjoon's vast chest "next time, be more cautious when you put the GPS in a cell phone. You are sloppy and I am tired of playing pretended a psycho to be honest."

Namjoon looked at him with horror "what? How did you know?"

Jin only smiled fondly "don't hurt your head anymore Joonie. Rest well. Eat well my friend" Jin pulled him once more and kissed his forehead softly

Jin pets his face one last time with a soft smile and leaves Namjoon stunned at his hospital gate alone.

Namjoon let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and wiped the tears he didn't want to acknowledge "I hate him. That psycho!"


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