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I just wanted to say, that Jey is a unique kind of changeling. She can turn herself to look young or old (since she's been alive for a long time.), even in human form. I know it's not in troll hunter but I'm just say.

"Gah your here. " Said Jim rolling his eyes and heading into the kitchen. "Your mother wanted me to watch over you Young Atlas. " Said Strickler fixing his jacket. Jim rolled his eyes and headed down the basement. He saw Draal sleeping soundfully, he dragged his legs and throwing himself onto Draal's arm, waking him up. Draal looked over half asleep, he grumbled a little before closing his eyes again. Pulling Jim closer to his chest and snuggling into him.

Jim started to fall asleep again, he didn't mind missing school, he was too comfortable or warm to move. Though he was blushing with his heart beating fast, he snuggled against him too, and giggled a little when Draal started purring. Soon they both fell asleep.

A few seconds/minutes later.

"JIM WHERE GOING TO BE LATE!!! " Yelled Toby as he went down the steps with Claire. "Jimbo--oh snap! " He said as they both saw Draal and Jim sleeping. Claire giggled and took out her phone, " Claire what are you doing?! " Said Toby looking at her, " What? I'm taking photos! They're cute together!! " She said as she started taking photos. Toby sighed and shook his head, laughing a little. He went down the steps and shook Jim. "Jimbo, time to wake up. " He said shaking him more.

Jim sighed and sat up, making Draal open his eyes a little. Draal grumbled again before he let go of him. Soon turning away, Claire giggled and Toby crossed his arms, soon smiling and laughing at Jim. "What?" Jim said half asleep, " You look like a mess!" Claire said covering her mouth, trying to hide her laugh. Jim groaned and stood up, heading back up past Toby and Claire so he can fix himself.

"Your Highness. " Jim jumped and turned around to see Jey in his school. "What are you doing here?! " Jim said pulling her away from Toby and Claire. "I work here now, as the history teacher. " Jim's eyes widened. "What?!" She smiled, " You realize that you won't be able to call me "your Highness" in school right. " She scoffed. "Of course I knew that. " She said glaring a little. "Why are you doing it anyway? " She went silent. "That is classified information. " She said smiling, soon turning back and heading into the school.

"Who was that Jim? " Said Toby looking as Jey walked away. "New teacher I recognized from my childhood! " Jim said nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. Claire looked at him suspiciously, but brushed it off.

After School

Draal laid around in the basement as Barbara painted. Draal turned over and pout a little. "Aw the baby is pouting. " Said Barbara fake pouting back at him. "I miss him. " Draal said shoving his face on the ground. Barbara laughed, " Just ask him out already. " Said Barbara as she went back to painting. Draal blushed deeply, grumbling to himself, flipping back to his back again.

"Mom we're home! " Jim's voice rang through the house into the basement. Barbara glanced at Draal and wiggled her eyebrows, making Draal roll his eyes and groan. Barbara then headed towards the steps, yelling, "We're down here! " Before heading back to paint.

Jim slide down the railing, while Toby and Clair followed behind. Jim jumped down and gave a kiss on his mom's cheek before sitting next to Draal, leaning against him, making Draal blush. "Oh I took a photo of something cool! Want to see it? " Clair said, smiling sheepishly, wiggling her phone. "Sure." Jim shrugged and stood up, standing next to her. It took him a few seconds before processing the photo. Jim blushed deeply. "Nope, delete that at mediately (I honestly don't know if I spelled it right.) " He said, trying to take the phone from her grip. Claire giggled and tossed the phone to Toby, who catched it and laughed.

He tossed it back to Claire, who showed it to Draal. Draal blushed deeply. (Picture from above, but the photo is not mine.)

Barbara looked at the photo and laughed.

Sorry it took me a while. I'm going to make a one shot book that's going to have different chapters. I know I already used the photo lol.

Anyway sorry for not publishing sooner, thank you for sticking around, God bless you all, be safe! Love y'all 💜💜

Thank you

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