10 (kinda)

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Jim: Jeeeyyyl--

Author:  Don't even finish that.

Jim:*pouts* You haven't written in a while.

Author: I know.

Jim: What have you been doing?

Author: I've been busy with Levi.

Jim: Who's Levi?

Author: Good looking man--*coughs* He's from Attack on Titan.


Author: He's from somewhere else. Now let me read.

Jim: *Grabs the fan fiction* No.

Author: *glares* I'm not even writing in the other stories either. *crosses her arms.*
Jim: And that's why you lose views.

Author: And that's why I write new fan fictions.

Jim: Then you don't publish chapter.

Author: *rolls eyes*

??? : Oi Brat.

Author: *freezes*

Author: C-Captain Levi--!? *salutes*

Jim: *raises a brow* That's Levi?

Levi: *glares* Tch.

Author: Show respect! *whispers to Jim. * *still saluting*

Jim: *rolls his eyes* Oh please I'm the troll hunter. *he said with confidence*

Levi: *continues to give off his death glares, sips his tea* *pulls his weapons out and gets into fighting position.*

Draal: *about to eat a lamp. * *looks confused*

Jim: *pulls out his armor* Let's get thi--

Levi had already grabbed him and flung him over his shoulder, knocking the air out of Jim.

Jim let out a harsh cough.

Draal: Jim!

Author: uh-- Lev-- Captain Levi I think that's enough.

Levi: Oi Hernandez. Publish a chapter. That's an order. *walks out. *


Jim: *Sits up* *still in pain, but chuckles* Hernandez?

Author: *stands proudly* Yes Hernandez!

Author: I'm going to go and think about my next few chapters for my stories... *sighs and walks out. *

Draal: Are you alright Jim?

Jim: Better, now that your here *smirks*

Draal: *blushes*

Jim:* kisses his nose* *stands up, groaning in pain* Let's go.

Author: Welp. Bye.

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