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Thanks for clicking on my book! I hope I don't disappoint and I will be taking requests! I'll specify whether a girl's pov, a non-binary person's pov, or a male's pov in the title so keep an eye out for that! I'll be using some cliches (wrist grabbing, detention, etc) I'll also specify in the title if it's a non-killing game AU or if it is in the killing game. As I said in the description of the book, I will not be writing lemon as 1. I don't want my school seeing that and 2. It makes me uncomfy writing that. If I take a while to publish I probably have run out of ideas and reading fanfics of said character for ideas (if I do that I will credit meaning I will name/link the fic in the A/N at the end near the word count) 


F/N = First Name 

L/N = Last Name 

F/C = Favorite Color

F/F = Favorite food

Y/N = Your Preferred Name

W/C = Word Count

P/S/O = Previous Significant Other

I think that's about it for the key. I might have some other things but if I do it'll be at the top of that chapter. Anyways I think that's about it but! Suggest away!

Edit: Oh! One more thing! I write in first person because it's easier for me! Sorry for not adding it before!

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