Easy way to gain self-confidence!

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Self-confidence is the key to improve your life! 

It is not about being full of yourself and selfishness but about loving yourself and taking care of yourself. I have struggled with self-confidence and I am sure many other people have too. 

The easiest way to gain self-confidence is by listening to subliminal and repeating affirmations. 

For example:

Everytime after you wake up, you should go to a mirror and repeat out loud sentences like:

"I am beautiful."

"I am loved"

"I am worthy of love."

You need to say them, fully believing in your self. Repeat them throughout your day. Take deep breaths and moments to relax. Gradually, you will start believing those sentences and therefore gain self-confidence. Self-confidence will make you much more attractive to other people as everyone wants to be around someone positive who loves themselves. It will also not make you focus on tiny physical flaws but instead, make you focus on how beautiful you truly are. 

This process can take a matter of days or weeks. To help spread up, before you fall asleep write down these affirmations on a piece of paper. Keep on repeating them and you will see a difference very soon! 


Subliminals also help immensely as they basically do the thing for you. You will find thousands on youtube and I will link a lot of good ones in the next chapter. You just need to create a playlist with a few that focus on what you want and listen to them a minimum of 30 mins a day. I recommend putting them on while you fall asleep or even more effective to put them on while you sleep on a loop. 

There are thousands of different Subliminals and they can take just a few days for you to see the difference! They are my favourite way of manifesting! 

Check out the next chapter for many safe and effective ones!

ps. manifesting or this is a not any sort of witchcraft and absolutely safe to do even if you are very religious!

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