Chapter 34 - The End Of A Brotherhood?

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Two members of Evolution were already in the ring. They were just stood waiting in the ring. Sierra. Hotel. India. Echo. Lima. Delta. Shield. All four made their way down to the ring.

"So what's up Hunter? Need us to kick your ass again? Actually, you know what?"

"What Ambrose?"

"I'll even do it for free." He said with a huge grin on his face.

"You're so full of yourself aren't you?"

"Well." He went to step forward but Seth and Roman pulled him back. "You gotta have confidence right?"

"You'll regret this." Seth then faked his stomach pain again. Dean dropped the mic and turned to his brother. At that moment, everything went black. Seconds later, the lights were back on.

Dean looked to his left and right. He saw Seth and Roman laid out. He looked in front of him to see Solomon stood with Hunter.

"Who's going to have the last laugh now?" Dean looked over at Solomon. Sorrow filled his eyes, betrayed by someone he considered a brother for most of his life. Everything was perfect, wasn't it? Dean looked down as Seth and Roman one last time before he went to hit Hunter but Solomon thwarted his plan. He hit Dean with the kendo stick he had in his hands. He repeatedly hit him until he was face down on the floor. Solomon then picked Dean up and hit him with Dean's own finisher, Dirty Deeds.

Seth and Roman started to stir until Kane and Randy appeared in the ring and hit their finishers on them. The Shield had been laid out. Destroyed by Evolution and... Solomon Crowe. The new Evolution took their time walking up the ramp. Enough time for the Shield to stir and look up at the stage. They stood on the stage, mocking the fallen team.

Both Seth and Roman looked towards Dean to see a broken man. Already a shell of the man he was five minutes ago. They looked up to see Evolution and their newest recruit had gone.

Tamaras POV

What the fuck just happened? Dean will be heartbroken. Fuck!

"We should have said something sooner." Adrian mumbled.

"I know. Fuck! Damn it."

"Wait... What did you just say?" I ask. He didn't say what I thought he said right?

"All those phone calls he had. We heard a few."

"And you said fuck all? What the fuck is wrong with you? Look at him!! Look at Dean!! Why the fuck didn't you tell anyone straight away?" I shouted. They knew this would happen yet said nothing.

"It's my fault. I'm sorry." Adrian admitted quietly.

"Adrian." Sami said softly, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"It's my fault this happened. If I didn't beg you not to say anything, this could have been prevented."

"Woah woah woah. Rewind. Why were you begging?"

"Solomon. He threatened to go after me." Sami said.

"He said he'd take him, torture him and leave him to suffer, eventually killing him. I couldn't let that happen. I'm sorry all this happened, it's my fault." Holy shit. Wait. Could he have caused Adrians accident?

"Did... Did Solomon cause your crash?" Adrian nodded. I walked over to him and hugged him. I whisper I'm sorry for shouting at him. Solomon then walks through the door. That bastard!

"I just want to grab my things." I let go of Adrian and fly at Solomon. I landed a punch directly at his nose, I swear I heard it crack. Blood flowed everywhere. I was able to scratch, claw and punch more before Sami was able to get me away from him.

"Grab your stuff and go you fucking traitor!" I shouted towards him.

"You told Seth and Roman earlier didn't you? That's what you took them out for earlier wasn't it?" Solomon asked Sami.

"Yeah. We heard you earlier."

"Just so you know, I do keep my promises. Ask Hunter."

"Fuck off bastard before I hit you again. This time it'll be harder." He began mocking me, I tried to hit him again but Sami held me back. He walked out with a huge grin on his face.

No one's Pov

The three Shield members slowly made their way back to the locker room.

"Dean... Brother please." Roman said.

"I don't have brothers."

"Dean, don't do this."

"If he's going to do that, whats gonna stop you from doing that?"

"Dean, we'd never do that to you. We love you." Seth said.

"Exactly what he said. That didn't stop him did it?"

"We're not like him Dean!" Seth shouted. There was silence. Seth never shouted like that.

"I'm done with all this." Dean muttered.

"What do you mean, done?"

"Exactly that. Done. I'm leaving, no one will stop me." Roman went to grab Dean's arm but as soon as he felt a small touch, Dean's fist swung around and hit Roman in the face. Just under his eye.

"I... I'm... Sorry. I'm sorry." A tear fell down his face as he turned and ran off towards the locker room.

"You ok Rome?"

"I'll be fine... but he isn't."

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