Chapter 3 - Lost and Found

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"Man, I swear if he's hurt I will never forgive myself."

"You wont be the only one. I shouldn't have gone to sleep either. I was so selfish."

"No you wasn't." Roman opened the room door and had a quick look just incase he was dossing around outside.

"Hey, what are you getting worked up about? Did Seth steal your shampoo again?" Dean walked out of the bathroom.

"DEAN!" Roman slammed the room door and ran to the dirty blonde, grabbing him with a tight grip.

"Woaahh. Dude, whats wrong with you?"

"I'm so glad you're ok. You don't remember do you?"



"What about it? Nothing special happened."

"Yeah it did Dean."

"It was Saturday, right? We don't do much, apart from getting drunk."

"It was Sunday, the match?"

"Ehhh? No, its Sunday today. The match is today."

"Seth put the tv on, the sports news spefically."

"Roman. The last time I saw you... like this... was... when Seth fell of that ladder. What happened?"

"Look, D. It's Monday."

"Uh... What happened? Why don't I remember anything?"

"Hunter hit you with the sledge hammer wrong. You had us really worried."

"Oh, ummm... uh, sorry."

"For what?"

"Getting hit like that. I know what you was like when it was Seth. Sorry man."

"You have nothing to be sorry for. Like I told Seth while you were sleeping, it wasn't your fault. Did you want to see the match?"

"Yeah." Dean and Roman smiled at each other.

"Get a room you two." Seth interupted.

"Funny bitch." Dean was back to his old self. Saying what he wanted, when he wanted. Didn't matter if it offened someone, if he thought it, he would say it. He didn't care.

"I know shithead." They all laughed as they sat and watched the match intensely.

The match ended. One hell of a match. Each member of the Shield took a hell of a lot of punishment.

"Woaah. That was good. I wish I could remember it properly like you guys."

Seths phone started ringing.

"Its Hunter."

"Answer it." Roman replied.

"Hello Hunter. He's ok. Better than yesterday. I don't know. When we get to the arena, we'll get Steve to check him out, make sure he is ok. Alright, yeah. Bye."

"What did he want?" Dean asked with a sarcastic tone.

"He wanted to know if you would be ok to work tonight."

"Of course. The stupid tit face. Like I have said, you will have to hit me with a car before I don't compete."

"Dean... god, I missed that last night. Genius."

"Thanks." with a cocky tone.

Later that day they arrived at the arena. The first task was to get Dean checked out by the trainers, see if he would be clear to compete or not. It took half an hour to get sorted. He was cleared to compete.

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