Chapter 42 - In The Hospital

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Dean, Roman and Tamara finally arrived at the hospital. Randy was sat in the waiting room alone. He had been checked over already, he only had a few cuts and bruises. He was patched up quickly. Dean was the first one out of the three to enter room. Immediately he noticed Seth wasn't there.

"Where's Seth?" He said with panic in his voice. He was wrapped up in his own problems to realise that Seth had been hurt.

"He's gone for a x-ray on his ankle and knee. It was pretty beat up."

"Fuck! I'm sorry guys. This is my fau-"

"Why are you sorry? You did nothing wrong."

"It's my fault."

"Dean, don't you go there again. None of this is your fault. You didn't tell him to do any of this."

"I know but-"

"Stop. Shhhh." She hugged him.


"You don't need to apologise."

"I love you."

"I love you too." They parted from their embrace when Seth opened the door. Pushing the door with his crutch. The damage inflicted on Seth by Batista and the fall was clear to see. A cast on his ankle, another cast on his left wrist. A few stitches above his right eye, a bruise surrounding it.

"Seth?" Deans eyes widened. Seth? What happened to him? The crutch. The casts on his ankle and wrist. The cut and bruise above the eye. All this happened while they were at that place? He immediately ran over to his younger brother. A tear did fall down Dean's face but he didn't care. His little brother is hurt and he wasn't there to protect him. He failed in his duty. His duty as an older brother to protect his younger brother. He grabbed Seth, pulling him close, careful enough so he wouldn't hurt him anymore than what he already is.

"I'm ok Dean. I'm ok." They stayed in their embrace for what seemed like hours. They were comfortable with each other. Finally breaking the hold, Dean remained close to Seth.

"You have two casts and have a crutch. You're not ok Seth. You're eye too. What happened?"

"I tripped over initially, hurting my ankle but then Batista jumped me. He attacked me with... I have no idea what it was. It just kept hitting me over and over."

"I should have been there to protect you. I'm sorry Seth."

"You don't need to apologise. It's ok. Rome was there-"

"But I should have been there for you aswell."

"It's ok Dean I do forgive you. Just promise me something."


"You won't leave again. I know it wasn't your fault last time. It was because of him. There was this hole inside me. Hole in my heart. I felt empty. Yeah, Rome was there but you weren't. That crazy lunatic fringe. The guy with all the jokes. The guy that comes up with all the pranks. All those crazy things we always did, always your idea. I know I protested but I loved it everytime. I missed you so much man. Life, it just wasn't the same. It wasn't fun. Man I cried. I cried pretty much everyday."

"I know. Rome told me."

"Did he tell you about the phone calls? The sitting and watching our silly videos?"

"Yeah. Kinda creepy dude."

"Maybe... but it kept me going. I know it wasn't forever but it felt like it."

"Well, I promise I won't be going anywhere. Not for a long time. You're stuck with me Seth." Dean smiled as did Seth. Seth pulled Dean into a hug this time, well the best he could.

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