Chat Room Chat's 2

38 1 5

*Nikki has logged on.

*Scarlet has logged on

Scarlet: Why are you up?

Nikki: My eyes are open.

Scarlet: -_- You should be in bed, its midnight.

Nikki: so should you but you are up as well.

Scarlet: I'm 16. I can stay up as long as I like.

Nikki: So? Dayler said lights out at ten.

Scarlet: Then why are you up?

Nikki: Because.

Scarlet: Because why?

NIkki; Because you can't tell me what to do over the computer.

Scarlet: I could extend your grounding.

NIkki: How? Dayler would want to know why.

Scarlet: I would tell her.

Nikki: But then you would have to explain on how you know then all of us will be grounded for longer.

Scarlet: I dislike you.

Nikki: No you don't. You loooooove me! I'm your little sister, and I'm adorable, you can't help but love me!

Scarlet: full of yourself arent you?

Nikki: o:)

Scarlet: Go to bed.

Nikki: Why?

Scarlet: Because I told you too.

Nikki: Fine.

*Nikki has logged off.

*Zack has logged on.

Zack: Sorry, my computer wasn't letting me on, so I borrowed Mitch's laptop.

Scarlet: It's ok, Nikki was on, took a little bit to get her off.

Zack: Ok. So why did you want to talk now?

Scarlet: Because, I need help figuring out birthday presents for the twins.

Zack: Who?

Scarlet: Nikki and Natasha. There birthday is next month. 

Zack: Oh, right. I knew that.

Scarlet: No you didnt.

Zack: Fine, I didnt. But don't tell them that.

Scarlet: I wont.

*Nikole has logged on

Scarlet: Nikole, why are you up?

Nikole: Hopping someone is on. Do you have any extra blankets I could borrow?

Scarlet: Why?

Nikole: Because, It's freezing in here.

Scarlet: Really? 

Nikole: Yes!

Scarlet: I got one. What about you Zack?

Zack: I got a couple too.

Nikole: Thank you! I'll come get them now. 

*Nikole has logged off

Scarlet: I doubt her room is really cold.

Zack: Yeah. She's probably trying to sneak out.

Scarlet: yeah. Did she go to your room first.

Zack: Yeah, just left.

Scarlet: Okay. She just walked in here. and took the blanket.

Zack: Same here.

Scarlet: Well, if she sneaks out and gets caught, her fault. So do you have any ideas?

Zack: About what?

Scarlet: Presents!

Zack: Right. um.... How about get nikki a science kit, and Natasha a sewing kit?

Scarlet: Natasha Sews?

Zack: Yeah, Violet has been teaching her.

Scarlet: How do I not know this?

Zack: I dont know.

Scarlet: Wait, I think I heard Daylers door. goodnight!

*Scarlet has logged off

*Zack has logged off

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