Chat Room Chat's 8

35 0 2

*Scarlet has logged on

*Zack has logged on

Scarlet: why are we even still using this? we aren't grounded anymore.

Zack: I don't know.

Scarlet: Stop waving at me. You look like a freaking idiot. 

Zack: Well, who needs you!

*Zack has logged off

Scarlet: Great. I'll just stare at Jill until she get's on. 

*Jarreth has logged on

Scarlet: Hey Jarreth, I thought you and Nikole were on a date.

Jarreth: And I was just going to ask you if you've seen her. 

Scarlet: No, I haven't. Go figures, first thing she does when she has her freedom is sneak out. 

Jarreth: X(

Scarlet: So why are you looking for her?

Jarreth: what? 

Scarlet: Oh, you  know, there is a reason why your looking for her. Tell me. 

Jarreth: Why?

Scarlet: Because! I'm bored. And I feel like playing cupid. 

Jarreth: Please, don't.

Scarlet: Oh, common, we all know you like Nikole, and we all know she likes you. It's only a matter of time before you two are together, I just want to speed up the process. 

Jarreth: Goodbye.

Scarlet: DON'T LEAVE!

Jarreth: Why?

Scarlet: because I have nothing better to do. 

Jarreth: Don't you have a boyfriend you can talk too?

Scarlet: He logged off. 

Jarreth: You do know we aren't grounded anymore right? you can talk to him in person. 

Scarlet: Now, what fun is that?

Jarreth: You poor, poor, girl.

Scarlet: What?!

Jarreth: You are incapable of socializing face to face now. 

Scarlet: I am not! Jarreth: You won't talk to your boyfriend in person. 

Scarlet: Yes I can! I'll show you! 

*Scarlet has logged off

*Jarreth has logged off

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