Chat Room Chat's 9

13 0 2

3:00 am

*Chad has logged on

*Nikole has logged on

Chad: Good morning Nikole. 

Nikole: I see you changed your screen name. I got your little note asking to come on here at 3:00 am. Not really appreciative of this time.  

Chad: sorry, but I wanted to make sure that no one will stumble into our conversation. 

Nikole: you know, it won't be long until Nikki discovers you have joined her private chat site. 

Chad: Ah, yes, well, I think I've covered my tracks well enough that it should be a long while until that happens. and speaking of covering tracks, I noticed you took your diary down.

Nikole: yes, I really didn't appreciate that being read. 

Chad: Truly sorry about that. 

Nikole: If you were, you wouldn't have read it in the first place.

Chad: True, true. 

Nikole: so why are we talking right now? 

Chad: ah yes, I am proposing a meeting. 

Nikole: hm, tempting, where?

Chad: at the coffee shop, bring your laptop. 

Nikole: how do you know I have a laptop?

Chad: I'm a hacker, it isn't hard to find these things out. 

Nikole: fine, I'll bring the laptop. when? 

Chad:  tomorrow, 1:00 pm.

Nikole: fine, I'll be there.

Chad: okay. I'll see you. 

*Chad has logged of

*Nikole has logged off. 

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