Starlight (Jim Kirk)

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Prompt: "Sometimes you can even see."

Summary: Reader and Jim are dating, and reader is one of the top science officers (and science nerds) on the Enterprise. They bring Jim with them to see a once in a lifetime phenomena in space, and reader gets the best of both worlds with epic science and the love of their life.

Day twenty-five of Fictober on Tumblr


"C'mon, Jim! I don't want to miss it!"

"I'm coming! I'm coming!"

I waved frantically at my boyfriend from the observation deck, trying to get him to hurry. He hustled the last few steps, his hands full with a massive bowl of popcorn. We were sitting on the top observation deck of the Enterprise, waiting for a phenomena that I'd only read about before now.

"So tell me exactly what this thing is again?" said Jim, sitting next to me with the popcorn bowl between us. He kicked back, stretching one arm out behind my shoulders. I didn't take my eyes off the space through the viewscreen.

"It's a natural phenomena Star Fleet only just learned about. It's kind of like a meteor shower, but of light. Most of it's happening beyond the visible spectrum, so we'll barely know it's happening, but sometimes, sometimes you can even see."

Jim smiled and I leaned into him a bit. He popped some popcorn in his mouth and stared out the viewscreen with me.

"Sounds incredible," he said. "How will we know when it's started?"

"We might not," I said. I was on the edge of my seat, and I was trying not to blink. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity, and I didn't want to risk missing anything. "It could start and end without us ever knowing, unless we check the ship's readings. But, if we get lucky, we'll see little sparkly particles moving through space, like watching shooting stars back on Earth."

Jim hummed, then watched with me for a while. After a few minutes without anything happening, he leaned back and relaxed a little, settling in for the long haul. I still didn't move a muscle. I stayed alert and staring out the window with wide eyes, hoping for just a glimpse at something spectacular.

"So... this phenomena... it's supposed to look like a meteor shower?" mused Jim, leaning forward and popping some popcorn in his mouth. We'd been there almost ten minutes, but nothing had happened that we could see yet.

"I think so," I started, never taking my eyes off the viewscreen. "I've only seen a few pictures, but none of those do the real thing justice. Basically, it's like a shining star in miniature. A little piece of the universe shooting past our ship, absolutely beautiful, unique, and amazing."

"Oh, well you should've said so. I'm looking at that right now."

I whirled around to face my boyfriend, trying to figure out what he was talking about.

"Where? Where do you see it?" I asked. Jim was staring straight at me, a smile crinkling his beautiful blue eyes.

"You, Y/N. A shining star, absolutely beautiful, unique, and amazing."

I couldn't help melting. I smiled, leaning into Jim and momentarily forgetting my insane watch on the scene outside the ship. Jim was smiling too, and he didn't waste another second before leaning in and kissing me.

I kissed him back, losing myself for just a second before remembering why we were here. I gently pulled back, giving Jim a regretful look before turning back to the viewscreen. There was still nothing there, but I didn't look away.

Jim stayed close to me, putting one hand behind my head as he started kissing my cheek, slowly making his way towards my mouth. I turned slightly, giving in and kissing him back, but I kept my eyes on the viewscreen.

Jim deepened the kiss, and I was just about to give all the way into the distraction when I noticed a speck of starlight out of the corner of my eye.

I whipped my head around, breaking the kiss and pushing Jim away a little less than gently as I sat forward excitedly to see what I'd been waiting to see for years.

It was finally happening.

"Hey!" whined Jim. I noticed him sitting up from the corner of my eye, but this time I wasn't going to look away.

"Sorry babe," I muttered, eyes glued to the phenomena before me. "But I couldn't miss this."

Jim turned to look with me, and he relaxed as he looped an arm around my shoulder.

"Wow. That is something."

We sat there for the next half an hour, watching the deep space light up in front of us. I was absolutely mesmerized, and I didn't move an inch the entire time.

Finally, the last of the lights faded, and I knew that was all we were going to see. I sighed and sat back for the first time since we'd arrived, leaning into my boyfriend and running back over the memory of the lights in my mind.

"That was amazing," I sighed.

"It really was," he agreed. He leaned down and kissed the top of my head. "I'm glad we watched it. Even if you shoved me halfway across the observation deck in the middle of a kiss."

I grinned sheepishly and turned towards Jim. He was smirking at me, so I knew he wasn't really mad.

"Sorry Jim." I leaned into him, finally giving him my full attention for the first time all night. "Maybe I can make it up to you..."

Jim's smirk turned into a grin as I closed the distance between us. This time, my eyes were closed and my attention was fully on my boyfriend as our lips met.

Jim wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer, deepening the kiss. I'd just started to lose myself in him when I heard the door for the observation deck open.

"Y/N! Did you see it? Did you- oh." Jim and I broke apart, Jim sighing heavily as we turned to look towards the door. Pavel Chekov, one of my best friends, was standing there, his face bright red now that he realized he'd walked in on us. "Oh my. I am so, so sorry, Y/N, Keptin..."


"Don't worry about it!" I said, interrupting Jim as I popped up from where I was sitting. "I saw it, did you?"

"I did!" Chekov replied, immediately perking back up. "I built a new system to try and better record the phenomena, with the help of Mister Scott, and I think I might have managed to get better quality images than what Starfleet has in its records-"

"WHAT? Chekov, that's amazing! Can I see?"

"Uh..." Chekov looked behind me to Jim, and I realized I'd just completely ditched my boyfriend again. I turned around and gave Jim a sheepish smile. He stared back without flinching for a few seconds, but then he gave in with a groan.

"Alright, fine. Go see this recording of a once in a lifetime phenomena," he sighed, standing up to join me and Chekov at the door. "I'll be in my quarters if you two get tired of your phenomena and you want to spend some time with your boyfriend."

"I love you," I said, leaning in to give Jim one last kiss. He smiled at me, then nodded at Chekov and walked out of the room. Once he was gone, I turned back to Chekov. "Alright, now show me this footage you got!"

"This way!"

We sprinted off towards one of the ship's many labs together, both of us giddy at the prospect of seeing this incredible phenomena again. It was no secret that we were the two biggest nerds on the ship, and neither of us cared to try and hide it.

I was just lucky I'd found someone like Jim, who didn't mind the occasional interruption of quality time in the name of some really cool science stuff.

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