The Past

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They all stood inside Indra's place at the town as it was just a mattress on the floor beside a pillar wall "It's not much...but it's my home" He said as he headed for the window.

"This is all you get for your deeds for this dump?" Jackie asked as she looked all around for any bugs that could be on the walls or on the ground.

"Your training must have failed you if you don't sense and see the barriers in here Jackie" Everyone was confused as Cain looked at them "This isn't his actual home, it's his training ground" He said as they started looking at the boy as he waved his hand.

All over the room was seals and barriers of all kinds as they was impressed but Siegfried and Cain was even more impressed because some of those seals and barriers take years to learn especially since they're not from the race they're learning the magic from.

'I wonder what more can the boy do?' Cain thought to himself as he looked at Master Siegfried while he stared at the boy 'I think he likes him already' Cain thought to himself as he stepped past Siegfried.

"Maybe we can see the real extent of how strong you really are...I haven't seen a Koi in my presence in centuries" Indra looked at Cain then looked at Siegfried as he glanced back at Cain "Fighting....Is it fun?" He asked as he looked down at his hands remembering what he has done "I can hear your adrenaline slowly beginning to run~ are you gonna make your move?" After that sentence Cain's right hand was in his face.

In that same split second he evaded by ducking to the left "Where are you reaching?" Indra said after making perfect eye contact with Cain as he started kicking now as they both started moving around each other.

Indra looked like he could predict Cain's movements as he dodged and evaded them all as he jumped a few feet away from Cain as he chuckled "You're good, but that's me playing around...let's see how you fair when I get....." He was immediately beside Indra as he looked down at him as Indra was already looking up at him.

He jumped to his right as Cain already had his left arm in his right hand "Serious" He finished as he threw him towards the pillar as he maneuvered himself in the air so both feet could hit the pillar as he launched himself back at Cain as he was throwing a hard right and so was Indra.

Upon impact the place shook and the floors cracked from their force as everyone started to freak out except Siegfried "You want me to leave with you eh? If this is the strongest you can become then I don't wanna leave...." He said while looking directly at Master Siegfried "If you're the one chasing me why make your slaves do all the work" He finished as everyone gasped as he took off his blazer while walking towards them and threw it behind himself.

The boys caught it as everyone could feel his energy rising~ he just unleashed a wrath that shouldn't be seen.

"You're cocky kid but you shou~" Indra was already in front of him as he punched Siegfried through the pillar as everyone's eyes widened as Cain was behind him with a flaming fist waiting for him as he dodged while Cain followed up with a left kick coming to his head as they watched him fly into a pillar.

"Nice Shot!"

"Hell Yeah!!" Vince and David shouted as they watched Cain put his guard up taking a actual stance "It's not over yet, don't count the boy out too soon" Cain told them as he saw Master Siegfried already on his feet as if he wasn't hit earlier.

He started to chuckle and laugh as he dusted himself off "I hope you didn't kill the boy with that kick of yours" Siegfried said as Cain laughed a bit "If he was a normal opponent it might've but he's far past a normal opponent....the boy blocked it at the last second~literally" He said as they all seen him step out of the dust unharmed.

"How long are you gonna hold back boy? I know you can do more than what you're showing" They heard Master Siegfried say as they watched Indra chuckle as he crossed his arms.

"I'm not gonna go all out when I don't have to" He said as he started to sit as the floor somehow shifted into a chair for him to sit as Siegfried was again impressed as he did the same.

"So you've been studying different forms of magic....I can see you're good at it but you still got ways to go" He told him as he sat at the edge of his seat.

"Listen...." Siegfried started off as Cain turned around started moving everyone outside so they could talk privately as they all waited outside the building.

"What luck! For a second there I thought he was gonna win" Vince said as he looked relieved "Don't be so quick to judge boy....." Cain started as he looked off into the distance remembering the kick that he thought would've made contact with his head remembering the boy looking at the kick~ boredom clear in his eyes as he put up a guard.

'If he was a normal opponent that kick would've killed that boy but he is a Koi and I haven't seen that kind of DragonKin in centuries and after feeling him out with Master Siegfried he holds promise'


"That doesn't mean you can't start off fresh with us....especially with the upcoming danger" Siegfried told Indra as he sat there slightly confused.

"Danger? What could possibly make you think about that kind of thing? We're Dragons"

"Dragons that are also an endangered species!" Siegfried countered as Indra looked away at the comment "I don't care that you're an chimera or born from an wish I don't care~ right now the DragonKin are at their lowest....our lowest" He said as he held out his right hand as there was a red light and gold light next to each other.

Under them was a Green Light and Blue light as Indra was slightly confused and didn't understand the purpose "The Gold light and the Red light symbolizes the Heavens and the Depths of Hell...these sides have been enemies since the beginning of time~" He said suddenly pausing his story as the room suddenly looked like a dark plain and eventually huge people covered in light was walking towards them as Indra eyes widened.

"Before we can talk about the fights between the Heavens and Hell we have to talk about how the Primordials were the strongest ones around they actually made the gods~ after they was all fighting each other" He quickly said showing them fighting as Indra watched them fight across the dark plain.

"But the reason they fought in that plain was because these were very powerful people but they was kept away from the Angels and ArcAngels because they fought constantly so for the Primordials this was kind of like a forever expanding prison" He said as the dark plain became a bedroom with two parents behind a curtain holding up a child.

"After that the era of the Titans and the Gods began after the Primordials disappeared the Titans and the Gods ruled but even then......" The scenery now showed all types of Gods fighting as Indra was confused.

"All the Gods fought and what people didn't realize is all the Gods shared the heavens separated from each other since one side felt as if they was better than the other" Siegfried finished as the imagery faded away.

"And from there it goes into what you know today and as far as the Hells go it's shared by the most evil beings some impossible to leave hell which is why it's important to never EVER make a deal with one avoid it if possible" He finished as the Gold and Red lights disappeared as the green and blue lights remained.

"The green light is the elves and the blue is the beast kind~ Dragons included, we fought in the war between the heavens even Hell and the result....." He saw Dragon bodies everywhere on the ground as Siegfried balled up his fists and clenched his teeth.

"But this is also my fault...I've also shed the blood of my people but that's the past and I've accepted that I was stronger and I was challenged and from those battles I've gotten stronger" Siegfried finished as they could see the room they was in again.

It was a lot to take in for Indra and he never knew majority of that information he was given as he frowned slightly.

"So my people as well....they're all dead?" Siegfried nodded slowly as his face looked even more depressed "But that's okay too because a new area of our kind can start with us and we'll protect them" He told Indra as he reached his hand out.

"I actually want to become a parent I don't care about what you are you want me as your father?" He asked as Indra looked at him and smiled "Yeah, I do" He said as Siegfried felt relief as his search was finally over.

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