The Strong and the Weak; Part One

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Feeling the bus come to a stop the bags were pulled off everyone's head and made to quickly make a exit off the bus as they were standing in front of a black gate guarded by two men in army uniform.

"Get in formation! I need three rows covered down in a line!" The sergeant shouted as he watched them form a line and walking everyone through the gate and once on the other side they was lined up on the grass.

Other kids his age were also made to do the same thing as Samuel couldn't help but stare at the building off to his left, massive and wide and made of brick that also looked like one large vacation getaway.

"Beautiful isn't it?" A voice behind him said as he turned around and saw a boy with white hair and hazel colored eyes and stood a bit taller than he did, at least six foot two "Uh is" Samuel said as he tried to figure him out.

"I'm Theo by the way" He said while reaching his hand out "Samuel" he replied back as they shook hands and watched the sergeant blow a horn to cease the chatter between everyone.

"As you all been taught from the academy we were forced to draft you all because we have a enemy, one that is not of human origin, they made a declaration to destroy our planet......" He said while making a earth made chair.

"This announcement wasn't made until after six of the ten Kingdoms were destroyed completely" He finished saying as everyone was gasping and talking amongst theirselves "I know it's a shock to you all!" He tried to continue saying while everyone was conversing "But the fact they didn't finish us off was their mistake and we will make them pay for it, today you will be shown your dorms and room numbers and what we have to offer here so enjoy it today because tomorrow classes begin" He said while walking off as teachers also in uniform came stood in front of them.

The place seemed okay so far but how long until a hierarchy establishes itself and deems him weak all over again.

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