The Strong and the Weak; Part Two

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Walking in front of the dorms Samuel noticed that it was mixed for boys and girls, the guys began cheering but Samuel since he hasn't had such luck in the relationship department.

"You goddamn horn-dogs! No one better not be caught in each other's dorms! SCREAM YES SERGEANT!" The black haired man with light blue tips shouted as Samuel could tell he had a temper "YES SERGEANT" Everyone shouted as he was off to the side quiet again.

Walking inside the building they were shown all types of rooms, combat rooms, sports rooms, rooms that even had a bar in it for some reason "I can see that look you got in your eyes kid" a voice said from behind him as it caught Samuel off guard as a hint of blue caught the corner of his vision 'Why is he over here with me!?' Samuel said as he didn't know what to do.

"I bet you're probably thinking "now I can get shitfaced and serve my beloved country at the same time" well guess what, you've thought wrong" The Sergeant said while whispering.

'I wasn't thinking that at all!' Samuel thought to himself while groaning internally "Come on Sergeant, with wrong with a few drinks you know we're gonna need 'em" Samuel heard Theo said as the Sergeant looked over at Theo with disgust written on his face "It's the fact you think you can talk to me without showing me some sort of res-"

A hand covered his mouth from behind and stood him up as it was the Sergeant leading the tour "Now why are you torturing my group in the middle of my tour?" The sergeant asked with his hand still covering the other one's mouth "Please go find some business Sergeant Asher" He finished saying while chucking him down the hall "Alright, now that you've seen where the classrooms and other places around campus are, it's time for dorm numbers" The Sergeant said while a stack of numbers and a table appeared out of thin air in the hallway.

"Come grab a number and head to your dorm rooms to get settled in because who you're roomed up with is who you'll be stuck with for the next four years!" He said loudly so everyone could hear as there was a side for girls and boys, one side pink and the other blue, after grabbing his number he walked away and started heading towards the dorm area with the big number one written on it.

After passing a bunch of rooms he finally found his room on the second floor 'Room two-fifteen' Samuel thought to himself while opening the door with his keycard.

Inside was two beds to his left and right with closets next to them and behind the bed on the left side of the room was a bed with a walk in closet of it's own 'This is nice! Probably better than any place I've ever stayed in' Samuel thought to himself while walking in but when he turned around he was faced with someone else standing behind him, a boy that was at least two inches shorter than him with brown hair that looked messy and just as scrawny as him if not scrawnier.

'How long has this guy been behind me?' Samuel thought to himself as he could only laugh nervously "Sorry man, I didn't know you were standing there" Samuel said as the boy could only nod slowly "I-I-It's okay" He heard him say as it made Samuel scrunch up his face 'Why is he talking so low? Maybe he's socially awkward?' Samuel thought "Hey! What a coincidence dude, I was gonna be bummed out if I couldn't get a room with some decent bunkmates" Theo said while smiling from the doorway as it made Samuel feel better a bit about who the last roommate would be.

"So who's up for something to eat? I sure could grab a bite" Theo said as it made Samuel's throat feel parched while his stomach growled for everyone to hear, in embarrassment he could only look at the ground 'I haven't had any blood! And what's worse I don't have a way to get any here!' Samuel thought until he felt a hand grab his wrist and drag him out into the hall.

After finding the chow hall it looks as if people were already there eating, before they could walk inside a group had bumped into Samuel knocking him and his shy roommate on the ground "My bad losers" A blonde haired boy said while his two friends continued onto the door to open it for him "You're going to learn real quickly around here about who's the strongest and who's the weakest" He said while walking off as Theo picked them up.

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