Teachers AU

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Okay so AU where the characters from V3 are teachers ;)
You guys can thank my friend, nectar-moon, for this idea!

*7:25 a.m. / Shuichi's POV*

Shuichi Saihara worked as a middle school teacher in English language arts and literature. The school was mainly in purpose to develop the ultimate talents of younger students, as for next generation. Shuichi taught one of the few classes that actually focused on education instead of talents. He was a former student of hopes peak high school.

Of course, the organized and composed Shuichi, was running late. The students were already off boarding the busses and Shuichi was still running into school not prepared.

He rushed through the halls with his bag messily thrown over his shoulder and papers cradled in his hands. He sped to his classroom and scrambled to his desk. He was setting up his things for the day and moved on to the chalkboard, writing the directions for his lesson. He heard a mocking laugh in the doorway and sighed loudly. Knowing exactly who it was, he did this every time Shuichi was late, considering his classroom was directly across the hall from Shuichi's. He angrily looked at his Co-worker, Kokichi Ouma, who was smirking in the doorway.

"Late again huh? Mr. Saihara~!" He chimed.

"Oh shut it Kokichi." He murmured back.

"That's Mr. Ouma to you!" He pouted.

Kokichi did not take teaching seriously.. anytime Shuichi walked into his class you would see a chaotic, uncontrolled, classroom and Kokichi laughing and encouraging them. Probably why everyone bragged about being in his class. You didn't do anything! Kokichi was one of the few math teachers they had. Though he couldn't teach anything math related for the life of him. How did any of it add up? Shuichi had absolutely no clue.

After writing a large paragraph on the board of instructions, he caught Kokichi squinting and reading them. "G-got a problem..?" Shuichi asked, a tone of annoyance clearly present.

"Hmmm... so this this for the whole week or-?"

Shuichi crossed his arms, "Quit judging my teaching ways, you don't even know how to shut a class up!"

The hallways soon filled with echos from the loud talking and footsteps, indicating the students had now flooded the lower floors and heading to class.

Kokichi laughed obnoxiously.. "Sure I do! Well I'll cya around Mr. Saihara! I got a class to teach!" He yelled while folding his arms behind his head.

Shuichi continued to make sure everything was ready. After he confirmed, he sat down at his desk that faced the many rows of desks. He got his attendance sheet out and waited.


"Mornin' Mr. Saihara!" One the his students called out as she entered the room. Her small friend group that also joined her walking in looking half asleep. He waved awkwardly and watched them take their seats. Not long after the first bell rung, meaning students had about four minutes before class officially started.

The desks soon filled with all of his first period class and class started with the ring of the bell.

He took attendance, calling out each student's name. Marking the ones who were absent.. then standing and heading to the chalk board to explain class for the day.

*time skip*

"Since class is almost over, I will announce homework! You will be-" The loud bell rung through his words and students didn't take time to let him finish.. they gathered their bags and rushed out of class. "...okay, looks like homework will be due Wednesday.." he mumbled to himself in his empty classroom.

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